The history of mental health



belief that the mentally ill were possessed by God and it was due to a inbalance of bodily fluids where the pshycians etc were said to care for the mentally ill.

treatment was trepanation

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Middle ages

the church was said to be a huge influence and that there was something wrong with the soul due to it being the work of the devil

family often cared for them and that they were put in cellars as worred that the bad fate would be passed on

some were left to wander the streets as they were seen as being a nuisance

ice cold water, whipping, blood letting and tobacco induced vomiting

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they thought they were posessed by the devil 

were often treated by animals, living in filth and chained around the ankles

in the hands of nurses and doctors

medicine in attempt to remove the evil spirits

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18th century

the person is posessed but there is however said to more more sympathetic treatment

astrologist and pshychians

wealthy there were said to be clergy madhouses however these were lodged into workhouses with poor conditions

rituals and mystical charms

they were locked away from the family

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19th century

the questions in society had begun to change and psychiatry and science became recognised

1815 major reforms led by the quakers due to overcrowding and the conditions

1886 idiot act- a distinction between the ill and the disabled

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20th century

belief that this was said to be deficits in the nervous system  and adopted a psychological understanding to mental illness

nurses and families cared for the ill

lunatic hospitals locked individuals away due to it being seen as being best for society

1913 40,000 were locked

treatments- electroconvulsive therapy, hydrotherapy and insulin shocks

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