The Grand Alliance-Conferences


The Tehran Conference (1943)

28th November to 1st December 1943

This conference was designed to make plans for the rebuild of Europe after WW2.

  • It was agreed that the Soviet Union would have a sphere of influence over Eastern Europe (where communism would be respected) and Britain and the USA would have their sphere of influence over Wsetern Europe.

There were disagreements over the future of Germany

  • Stalin believed that Germany should be punished- forced to give up land and pay reparations
  • Britain and America believed that the economic problems in Germany caused by the First World War are what led to the Second World War.
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The Yalta Conference (1945)

4-11th Febuary 1945

The 'Big Three' made the following decisions:

  • Stalin agreed that Russian troops would help America defeat Japan after the defeat of Germany.
  • Churchill and Roosevelt agreed on a capitalist government in Poland.
  • The United Nations was agreed to be established in order to keep peace after the war.
  • The 'Declaration on Liberated Europe' commited all powers to work for democratic Europe.
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The Potsdam Conference (1945)

  • The allies agreed to ban the Nazi party and prosecute any surviving Nazi's as war criminals
  • They also agreed to reduce the size of Germany by a quarter.
  • Germany was to be splitted into four zones allocated to France, america and the USSR.


  • Reparations- It was agreed that each power would take reparations from their zones, but this meant that the Soviet Union got less as the East of Germany was poorer than the west.
  • The Atomic Bomb- America tested the Atomic Bomb and tried to control the meeting, this caused tension as Stalin did not like to be bossed around.
  • Poland- Stalin broke his word that capitalism and communism would be involved in his government in Poland. The government he set up was totally communist which made relations even more bitter.
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