The Four Ashramas

  • Created by: Keohda
  • Created on: 13-05-18 16:57


This is the student Stage. This is where a person is expected to work hard, show respect to teachers and parents and live a disciplined life. A student should avoid sex, alcohol, smoking and the taking of illegal drugs. 

  • Every young man of the upper castes is expected to carry this stage out. 
  • A Guru will teach them the wisdom of India and will teach them the Holy books- such as the Bhagavad Gita.
  • Depending on the caste they are in, they will also learn what they need to do to carry out their Dharmas. For example a Vaishya would learn about Business.  
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This is the householder Stage. This is where a person can take reasonability for a home and family life at the age of around 25

  • During this period a Hindu is expected to get married, devote time and energy to raising a family, earning a living and contributing to the welfare of the community
  • They can attain three of the four goals of life:
  • Pleasure from his marriage (Kama)
  • Contribute to the economy and generate an income for their family (Artha)
  • Will have opportunities to carry out their caste rules and duties (Caste Dhrama) 
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This is the retirement Stage. This is where the husband and wife start to distribute their goods to their family and retire from active life at the age of 50, when the first grandchild arrives. They should detach themselves from household and family concerns.

  • The man in charge of the family should hand over the family responsibility to his sons and traditionally retreat into the forest
  • This stage should be spent meditating and preparing for the next life
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This is the holy man Stage. This is where high caste Hindu men live very strictly, with few possessions and no luxuries in order to be devoted to their religion and their ultimate God Brahman at the age of 75. This is not compulsory however

  • He will now rely on charity for food and other needs as he has given up all he has for his merging with God
  • They are treated with great respect as not many Hindu men will carry out this stage within life. 
  • Devotes himself to the pursuit of Moksha and the breaking of the cycle of Samsara.
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