The fight-or-flight response


Amygdala + hypothalamus

When face w/ threat, amygdala mobilised. Associates sensory signals w/ emotions eg fear/anger. Sends distress signal to hypothalamys - functions like command centre in brain, communicates w/ rest of body through sympathetic NS.

Response to stressors - 2 main systems:
 - one for acute stressors eg personal attack
 - one for chronic stressors eg stressful job

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Response to acute stressors - SNS

Begins preparing body for rapid action for f/f. Sends signal through adrenal medula - responds by releasing adrenaline into bloodstream.

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Response to acute stressors - Adrenaline

Heart beats faster, blood pressure increases. 

Breathing more rapid - take in as much o2 w/ each breath.

Triggers release of glucose + fats - flood into bloodstream, supplies energy to parts of body for f/f.

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Response to acute stressors - PNS

Dampens stress response.

Slows heartbeat, reduces blood pressure.

Digestion begins again.

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Response to chronic stressors

If brain keeps seeing smth as threatening, second system kicks in. As initial surge of adrenaline subsides, hypothalamus activates stress response system - HPA axis: 
 - H - hypothalamus - releases CRH - released into bloodstream as response to stressor.
 - P - pituitary gland - CRH causes pituitary to produce/release ACTH. From pituitary, ACTH transported in bloodstream to target site in adrenal glands.
 - A - adrenal glands - ACTH stimulates adrenal cortex to release stress-related hormones eg cortisol - responsible for effects in body important in F/FR. Some positive - quick burst of energy, lower sensitivity to pain. Some neg - impaired cognitive performace, lowered immune system.
 - Feedback - good at regulating itself. H + P have special receptors, monitor circulating cortisol levels. If levels rise above normal, initiate reduction in CRH + ACTH levels - brings cortisol levels back to normal.

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Evaluation - Strengths

Lee + Harley - genetic basis for gender diffs. SRY gene - male - directs male development, promotes aggression -> FOFR to stess. Suggest SRY may prime males to respond to stress in way by releasing stress hormones eg adrenaline.

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Evaluation - Weaknesses

'Tend + befriend - Taylor et al (2000) - females behavioural respons to stress. Protect themselves + young through nurturing behaviours, form protective alliances w/ other women. Women may have diff system for coping w/ stress.

Modern day, exposed to a lot of stress, rarely require physical activity - stress response repeatedly activated, can -> damage to blood vessels, -> heart disease due to increased blood pressure.

Doesn't tell whole story - Gray (1988) - first phase to avoid - freeze.

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