The Elton Thesis


The Elton Thesis

The structure and organisation of central government

The new system legally constituted departments that received money from pre-specified sources, paid out money for properly sanctioned reasons and was effectively audited to ensure they were acting as they should. E.G. the Court of Exchequer dealt with income from Sheriffs and customs duties. Court of First Fruits and Tenths handled the Church wealth. CROMWELL played a key role in this. 

The establishment of the Privy Chamber

Some point in the 1530s the informal medieval system of a large council (70-90 members) changed to a smaller group of well-trusted permanent councillors  (around 20) doing the day-to-day running of the government. Old system allowed individuals to get lots of power (like Wolsey), this didn't. Smaller group were able to make decisions more effectively E.G. Pilgrimage of Grace. Some argue that this was organised along the lines of Wolsey's Elthan Ordinances of 1526 (Cromwell was his chief adviser at time).

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The Elton Thesis Cont.

The role of parliament and the relationship between Church and State

Cromwell's work enhanced the power of the parliament within the State. He paved the way for the government to take charge of the English Church by making Henry the Supreme Head of the Church. 

Dale Hoak and John Guy

Argues that the Privy Council was set up as a response to the Pilgrimage of Grace and was set up by opponents of Cromwell to defer power.

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Elton contended that Cromwell brought in a series of reforms at government level that moved Tudor government from being steeped in medieval practice by thesis, which a man like Cardinal Wolsey could exploit, to a modern form of government.There was little place for those large-scale forces, trends,promotion, structures, and patterns beloved by social scientists.

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