The Cosmological Argument

  • Created by: Elena.S
  • Created on: 16-01-17 20:22

Define the Cosmological Argument? (2)

Argument stating that God exists because he is the ultimate cause of everything; he is necessary and everything else is contingent

Summary: God exists because the first cause of everything must be necessary

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Aquinas' Five Ways (5) [1]

1) Proving God from MOTION
P1 - things in the world are moving
P2 - things cannot move themselves
C - there is an unmoved mover who causes things to move: God

2) Proving God from CAUSE
P1 - every effect/event has a cause
P2 - the universe is an event
C - there is an uncaused cause that started everything: God

P1 - everything that exists is contingent and can stop existing
P2 - if everything is contingent, there must have been a time where nothing existed
P3 - something cannot come from nothing
C - there must be a necessary being that always existed upon which contingent beings depend upon to exit

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Aquinas' Five Ways (5) [2]

P1 - within any genus we observe degrees of perfection
P2 - there cannot be an infinite scale of perfection
C - God is perfection

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God as an innate idea (5) [1]

Descartes: we have three categories of thoughts

1) IDEAS - sensible objects i.e images, sounds

2) VOLITIONS/FEELINGS - emotions i.e anger, hope

3) JUDGEMENTS - judging ideas or feelings i.e reflecting on the truth of thoughts

P1 - impossible to be wrong about ideas

P2 - God is an idea

P3 - God at least exists in the mind

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God as an innate idea (5) [2]

P1 - something must have caused everything
P2 - to avoid infinite regress, the first cause must be outside knowledge (God)

Formal causes: effects that DO SHARE characteristics of the cause
Eminent causes: effects that DON'T SHARE characteristics of the cause
Effects have intentional/object reality which describes how real they are based on traits

P3 - if we have the idea of God, the cause of the idea must have greater intentional reality as a formal/eminent cause
P4 - ideas can't be wrong
P5 - the idea of God must have been caused by something with greater or equally as great reality as God
P6 - God is the most perfect being possible
P7 - God caused the idea of himself
C - God is the ultimate necessary cause and exists

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Criticisms of the Cosmological Argument (9)

1) Hume: not every event has a cause because it's a synthetic truth and we can't apply a cause to the start of universe

2) Time came into existence along with start of universe so time didn't exist, therefore universe has no beginning
Science: universe is approx. 15 billion years old (finite). Anything that is finite must have a cause of its existence
Causes cannot exist in time if time didn't exist in the universe therefore eternal God

3) Universe could've been caused by previous universe
Infinite regress; doesn't make sense - in order to reach the present, infinite amount of time would've had to pass but this is impossible
Swinburne: hypothesis that God exists is best argument; science nor philosophy can give a better answer and it's better to give any answer than none

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