The Angers Agreement July 1470


What was the Angers Agreement

The Angers Angreement was agreed in July 1470:

  • This created the unlikely alliance of Richard Neville (Earl of Warwick) and Maraget of Anjou. 
  • This paved the way for the short lived 'readeption govt' of Henry VI. 
  • Louis XI of France decided to arrange for a reconciliation between Warwick and his bitter enemy Margaret of Anjou, hoping a Lancastrian England, dominated by Warwick, would ally with France. 
  • On the 22nd July 1470, Warwick and Margaret met at Angers Cathedral, and she pardoned him after forcing him sit on his knees in front of her. 
  • The 2 sides then came to an agreement:
    • Warwick agreed to invade England and restore Henry VI to power.
    • Jasper Tudor would accompany him as the Lancastrian representative.
    • Margaret and Prince Edward would travel to England once it was safe. 
  • In return, Warwick's younger daughter Anne, would marry Prince Edward, who were officially betrothed on the 25th July 1470 in Angers Cathedral, and would be married in December. 
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The Successful Outcome

The outcome of the Angers Agreement was successful:

  • Warwick's invasion had succeeded.
  • Henry VI was back on the throne. 
  • Edward IV was in exile in Flanders. 
  • Warwick's ally in his revolts, Edward's brother George, Duke of Clarence, would become Duke of York. 
  • George was also acknowledged as heir to the throne if the Lancastrian dynasty failed.
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