Synoptic Q (A) Holiness Celtic


Introduction-What does it mean to be holy?

Story of The Two Greatest Commandment sums up what it means to be holy. Jesus states to inherit eternal life you must:

  • "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul...strength...mind"
  • "Love your neighbour as yourself".

Hebrews "Holiness is the habit of being one mind with God".

It's the habit of agreeing in God's judgement.

"He who most entirely agrees with God is the most holy man".

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To be in Union with God/Holiness

To be considered holy this is essential.

Scottish theologain John Brown sums it up "Holiness consists of thinking as God thinks, and willing as God wills".

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LUKE (To be in Union with God)

In Luke it's obvious Jesus without his oneness with his father couldn't have fulfilled his mission as he did.

Presents Jesus as one at prayer. Baptism marks beginning of ministry implying Jesus had to be in 'union' with his father to strengthen him in his mission.

Reference to prayer before choosing disciples demonstrates need for guidance from his father.

At Transfiguration his face changed when he prayed.

At Mount of Olives Jesus' prayer asks God to remove "the cup of suffering", he also advises disciples to pray in order to be strengthened.

In one sentence Luke records close and unique union between God and Jesus. "Everything is entrusted to me by my father; and no one knows who the son is but the father; or the father is but the son".

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CELTIC (To be in Union with God)

See Patrick's union with God when he's called to Ireland in a dream, given letter called 'The Voice of the Irish' by 'Victoriaus'. Cahill " Patrick had a trust in the objects of sensory perception, which were seen as signposts from God."

In letter Patrick tells us he came to Ireland as he was "bound by the spirit". Didn't come on his own accord, why he would want to return to those who took him captive.

He loved God "I give unwearied thanks to God", "Guarded and protected me as a father would a son".

Thomson said he wanted to publicise the grace God gave him.

Mystic who felt presence of God.

Cahill says "God was palpable to him, adn his relationship to him was very, very close" Trust God and was able to face hardships.

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Love your Neighbour/Holiness

Holiness consists of actively doing right and not just avoiding sin.

If you want to grow in holiness you have to ask "what would Jesus do?"

Desire to help others essential.

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LUKE (Care for Others)

In Mission Statement Jesus presents himself as being "anointed by the spirit".

Looking at Luke's Gospel we see Jesus wanted us to be pro-active "You are the light of the world".

We must help those in need.

We must respond to needs of poor unlike the rich young man who ignored the existence of Lazarus.

In parable of Good Samaritan see our neighbour is anyone in need of help. Told to "Go and do likewise".

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CELTIC (Care for Others)

Celtic monasteries centres of hospitality especially for the poor.

St Brigit's monastery was a classic example.

Kildare monastery - city of the 'poor'.

Brigit was generous with her father's wealth. Gave his most precious 'sword' to a leper.

Looking after marginalised was an essential theme of Celtic Spirituality. Columba's rule "If you have more than you need in food or clothing give it to the poor".

Following Jesus teachings' in Luke Celtic church actively cared for needs of others.

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Evangelisation/ Conversion

Jesus "from now on you will be catching people"(-encouraging others to believe.)

Jesus emphasises in Sermon on Plain that if they lack love they can't guide others as they can't see where they're going.

"First take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye".

Person with many faults can't help another to get rid of their faults. The disciples must first correct their own behaviour.

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Celtic-Apostolic (Peregrini)

Many Celtic monks went abroad to spread word of God.

They were men who found themselves aware of a divine call to be up and away "for the love of Christ".

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Columbanus Introducing a New Faith

One of leading figures of 1st generation of Irish missionaries.

Due to his great contribution and huge influence he made the celtic church one of the most important cultural influences in Europe during Dark Ages.

Knowingly and joyfully sacrificing your life and energy to convert others was seen as the ultimate way to be holy.

It was a life of whole-hearted commitment to the folllowing of Christ.

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