Sustainability and Transport

  • Created by: TessAni
  • Created on: 20-01-13 11:28


Brundtland Report (1987) "sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of futrure generations to meet their own needs" 

  • There has been huge population growth globally - now at 7 billion people 2012 
  • Globally the growth in vehicle numbers/distances driven is consistently increasing
  • Some demand remains suppressed - but this is short term - e.g. India and China 
  • There has also been a huge rise in air travel 
  • This increases demand for raw materials, entery and space 
  • It increases the externalities - perhaps most significantly air pollution 

The essence of a more sustainbale transport outcome is when there is a witch from envrionmentally damaging to more 'acceptable' modes of transport - either using renewable energy or switching away from road-based models. 

This is what sustainable transoport policy should be based on. 

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Modes of Transport

The average CO2 emissions of vehicles: 

Short haul air & HGVs are the worst by far, then long-haul air travel, cars, buses, passenger rail and then rail freight. 

We can see from this that a move away from the road would be most beneficial - particularly for freight. 

When compared to road transport, rail emits fewer pollutants of all greenhouse gases except for sulphur dioxide. 

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Should air transport growth be controlled?

The scale of growth of air transport has been substantial.

In the UK Heathrow dominates (67.7 out of a total of 203.1 million flights) - although the one that has increased the most between 1995-2005 has been Stanstead. 

Predictions point to this growth continuing with Heathrow leading to debate over what should be done - with some arguing a Third runway. 

  • Air transport is currently 5% of emissions - but if this growth continues it will be 25% by 2050 

Some argue for the introduction of a green tax on flights. There have also been changes to the Air Passenger Duty - which is also partly an information campaign. Air emissions are now also included in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme - which is a way of ensuring a fair price for passengers and that air transport meets its climate change targets. 

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