Superpower Relations & the Cold War


Tehran Conference

NOV-DEC 1943

-open second front

-USSR declare war on Japan

-boudaries of Poland move westwards

-international body set up to deal with future disputes

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Yalta Conference

FEB 1945

-Germany reduced in size, divided & demilitarised (when defeated)

-Europe rebuilt

-UN would be set up

-USSR declare war on Japan (when Ger. defeated)

-Poland in soviet sphere of influence but democratic

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Potsdam Conference

JUL-AUG 1945

-council of foreign ministers set up

-Nazi party banned & war criminals prosecuted

-Ger. reduced in size & divided into 4 zones

-Berlin divided up too

-USSR get 25% of output from zones

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Long Telegram (1946)

Secret report from US ambassador Kennan in Moscow to Truman:

-USSR see capitalism as a threat

-USSR building military power

-peace is not possible

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Novikov Telegram (1946)

Report from Soviet ambassador (Novikov) to Stalin:

-USA want world domination

-USSR only country left to stand up to USA

-USA prepared for war with USSR

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British & US zones join together

-called Bizonia & included Marshall Plan

-French zone added (creates West Germany)

Not popular with USSR (Stalin not consulted)

-Bizonia went against agreements

-USA aiming to permantly divide West & East

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Berlin Blockade

Soviet had troops in their zone & West didn't

East grew food for West

Berlin divided into zones

June 1948

-Soviet closed all road, rail & canal links into West Berlin (force west countries to leave)

-USSR blocke supplies Berlin 


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Nuclear Arms Race


USA drops 2 atomic bombs on Japanese cities


Soviet union test first atomic bomb


USA deveop H-bomb


Soviet union develop H-bomb

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Summit Meetings (1959-61)

Geneva (May 1959)

No solution & further summit agreed

Camp David (Sept 1959)

No solution but further meeting agreed

Paris (May 1960)

Disaster (Khrushchev leaves as USSR shot do US spy plane over Russia)

Vienna (Jan 1961)

Neither willing to back down (Khrush. reissues ultimatum)

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Bay of Pigs Incident

17 Apr 1961


-make invasion look like Cuban revolt (trained Cuban exiles & old US spy planes as Cuban)

-Castro look weak

-Cubans hate Castro


-planes recognise planes & world knows USA planned it

-Castro knows about invasion & sends 20,000 troops

-Cuban like Castro in comparison to Barista (old leader)

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Kennedy's visit to West Berlin (1963)

Kennedy gave speech claiming 'I am a Berliner'

-speech was expression of solidarity with West Berlin

-show USA & NATO prepped to defend West Berlin

-show Kennedy was not soft on communism

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Timeline after Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)

16 Oct

US spy planes see missile sites in Cuba

20 Oct

Kennedy does not attack but orders blockade

24 & 25 Oct

-USSR see blockade as agression

-USA & USSR prep for nuclear attack

27 Oct

Cuba ready for invasion, Krush. offers deal, US spy plane shot down & Kennedy sets up deal

28 Oct

Khrush. agrees to remove missiles if USA never attack Cuba & take missiles from Italy & Turkey

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1975 Helsinki Conference


-agreement on borders (East & West accept each other)

-trade opperation (USA buy oil from USSR & USSR buy wheat from USA)


-disputes settled through UN 

-share scientific knowledge & educational cooperation


-no countries interfere with internal affairs of other country

-countries to respect human rights (freedom of speech, religion, movement & info)

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Geneva (1985)

November 1985

-Gorbachev & Reagan meet

-they get on well

-agree for further meetings

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Reykjavik (1986)

October 1986

-Reagan & Gorbachev work to cut down number of nuclear weapons

-Gorbachev want end of SDI

-Reagan plans satellites in space to destroy missiles (no agreement on this)

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Carter Doctrine (January 1980)

Threaten to use force if USSR attempt to control Persian Gulf

US impose economic sanctions

-no import of oil or export of wheat

USA provide assistance to Mujahideen

USA cease cooperation with USSR

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Timeline of loss of grip over East Europe

Dec 1988

Gorbachec ends Brezhnev Doctrine

Aug 1989

Hungary opens borders to East Germans

Oct 1989

Gorbachev announces Eastern countries can go their own way

Nov 1989

Fall of Berlin Wall

Dec 1989

Communist governments fall in Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria & Romania

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