Statistical tests for A2 biology

unit 6 exam


Chi squared test

  • Use when the measurements relate to sample size in different categories.
  • Produce a null hypothesis: There's no difference between the expected and observed results."
  • Calculate the value of chi and look at the tables. 
  • The degrees of freedom are one less than the number of categories.
  • If the value of chi is greater than the critical value we reject the null hypothesis and say there IS a significant difference between the observed and expected.
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Spearman's rank correlation

  • Null hypothesis: there's no association between the two variables.
  • Calculate the Rs.
  • Look up on table the number of measurements and the critical values for each one
  • If your Rs is greater than the critical value you reject the null hypothesis.
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Standard error

  • To find if there's difference between two means.
  • Null hypothesis: no difference between the no. of seeds in the dark than the ones at the sun.
  • Calculate standard error.
  • 95% confidence are 1.96+ mean and mean-1.96.
  • If these values don't overlap, there's a significant difference between the 2 variables. (Plot a whisker!!)
  • If they overlap we accept the null hypothesis.
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  • Significant difference between two means.
  • Null hypothesis: There's no difference between the two variables.
  • Calculate t.
  • Degrees of freedom are both sample sizes -2.
  • Look up the degrees and critical values.
  • If t greater than critical, the null hypothesis is rejected.
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Rogin Deylami


thank you, so helpful!



cool, what about the Man whitney U test? that would be fab! thanks!

Tilly - Team GR


Brilliant Thanks!



this is so good its bad



Thank you 

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