Spanish opinion and debate phrases...

Useful phrases that you could use in the spanish speaking exam...



Estoy en contra de esta idea- I am against this idea...

No olvidemos que- Let's not forget that...

No me parece que sea la manera adecuada de abordar el problema- It doesn't seem to be the proper way to tackle the problem...

Estoy de acuerdo hasta cierto punto, pero en contrapartida- I agree up to a point, however...

Seria una locura- It would be silly...

No creo que sea la mejor manera de ocuparse del problema- I don't think that this is the best way to tackle the problem...

No es siempre asi- This is not always like this/it's not always that way

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Lo que usted propone corre el riesgo de- What you propose runs the risk of...

Otro aspecto del problema- Another aspect of the problem...

Lejos de resolver el problema, eso podria- Far from solving the problem, this could...

La tactica que usted propone- The tactic that you offer...

No estoy para nada de acuerdo contigo- I don't agree with you at all...

Se debe recordar que- One must remeber that...

No comparto tu opinion- I don't share your opinion...

A mi modo de ver, este argumento no tiene fundamento- In my opinion, this argument does not have weight...

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Otro argumento notable que me gustaria destacar es- Another important argument that I would like to point out is..

Me opongo a la propuesta- I oppose the proposal...

Se debe reconocer que- One must recognise that...

En mi opinion, esa medida esta condenada a fracasar- In my opinion this measure is condemned to fail...

Tengo un opinion muy distinta- I have a very different opinion...

Estoy acuerdo en cierto modo, no obstante- I somewhat agree, however...

Mi primera reaccion- My first reaction...

Tengo confesar que- I have to confess that...

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Imogen Kirk


Nice and useful, thanks.

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