



School is a bridge between the damily and a wider societ

Move from particulistic standerds of the family to univerlistic values of society e.g in the family you are special to your parents and you are treated as an indvidual

in society you are judged agaisnt standerds because people dont know you

education is a meritocray - a system based on merits

school assess studetn abilitis and match them up to recent jobs

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Davis And Moore 1967

schhols sift and grade puipls according to ability

the most talented get high qualifications which lead to important jobs

important jobs get high rewards

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functionalism critisim

durkheim assumes the values transmitted in school are those of society as a whole rather then those of a powerful groups

parsons fails to look at diversity of values in society

many question the idea of education being a meritocracy

social class prevents the education system sifting and grading according to ability - e.g. middle class chrildren do better at school than those from working class familes

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New right

Davis and moore - Role allocation

Durkheim - social solidatrity, skills

Parsons - secondry socialisation

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New right

The new right have introduced market forces into the running of the education system. To them education should be run like a business - e.g. if schools has to compete with outer school for puipls or for funding they would be forced to be more efficent

this means teachers and administtration will have incentives to imporve standerds

CHUBB AND MOE - this will leas to better school management and higher qualiltiy teaching in order to raise educational standerds

new right conlcudes by saying higher standerds means better qualifications even for those at the bottom. This gives them a chance to escape from walfere dependency

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social solidarity

socail unit brinigng evreyone together

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value concensus

agreement amoung societys members about what values are important; a sherd culture

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valueing being part of a group more than suceeding as an individual

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if we did not habe an aducation we would have anomie (chaos)

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Education system

What do functionals say?

educations is a good thing which beinifts society and its members

secondry sociliastion

What do marxists say?

education benifits capitalis and is helping create a futre workplace

teachers the hidden curriclem so that chrildren obay authority and in term capatlim

What do feminitsts say?

girls can get equal education to a man

shows images of domanince of men

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Durkheim - functionalist

education promots social solidarity

the school is a mini society where chrildren learn how to become adult member of that society and fit in rules, hierachies, exams, assemblies all herlp.

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marxist view on education

sees education in a negitive light

there is a myth of meritocracy

post modernist criticese marxist because education now produces diversity not inequality

they see religion as based partly on an unjust and oppressive capitalist society that exploits its workforce

marxism is also criticise for only taking class into consideration and not taking ethnicity and gender as reasons for inequality in education

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marxism - bowles and gintis 1967

the corrospondence theory and the hidden cirruclem

They suggest there are close parralls between work ina capatalist society

noth schools and workplace are hiarchies. with head teachers and bosses at the top making decissions and giving orders. and workers and puipls at the bottom obaying

These paraellsor simularites between school and workplace are examples of the corrospondence principle

They belive the corrospondence principle operates throught eh hidden cirrculem e.g. all lessons thet are learnt without being directly taught

schools teach us to be hard working and obident so that we will not challenge authority when we go to work

schools produce a subservient workfource

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