Sociology; Health care in contemporary society.

This is for the 'health and illness' syllabus.

  • Created by: Sam Hill
  • Created on: 06-05-09 17:17

Health care in comtemporary society; Inequalities

The geographical inequalities in the provision of health care is because poorer region receive less money. Although Government provide more funding, richer hospitals attract better staff getting more funding.

The postcode lottery is where your residence determines the quality and availability of NHS services, which affect drug prescriptions, waiting times, e.t.c.

Private health care is linked to the rich, who often don't need it. And it takes doctors away.

Inverse care law - where those in greatest health care needs (lower) receive less health care than those who have lower health care needs (upper).

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Health care in comtemporary society; Social class.

Access to health care can depend on social class for many reasons;

Doctors are less likely to set up practices in poorer areas, leading to longer waiting times.

Middle class will be given more time, and will be given more treatment.

Doctors interact easier with middle class patients, as they are more at home with them through a similar cultural capital.

Middle class are likely to get more time off work than working, and if working class do, they will lose money as their tend to not get paid leave.

Working class may have to rely on public transport, which means they are more likely to put off appointments because of it, leading to worse health.

Middle class are more likely to fight hospital closures.

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Health care in comtemporary society; Gender

Women are more likely to go and see the doctor than men for many reasons;

The process of socialization teaches women to be emotionally expressive, so it will be easier to talk about problems with doctors than men.

Through magazines and TV programmes aimed at diet, exercise and contraception, women are more in tune with health issues and likely to recognise symptoms.

Women are more likely to go to the doctors on their child's behalf, and are therefore more likely to discuss their symptoms while being there.

Women tend to work part time more, so they can see the doctor more through convenient hours than men.

Women are more likely to be diagnosed as ill through stereotypical views, seeing women as more vulnerable and needing treatment more.

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Health care in comtemporary society; Ethnicity

Ethnic minorities use health care services less than others because;

Poorer language skills, combined with lack of translation services and relegious issues, leading to not understanding symptoms and therefore suggesting unsuitable treatment.

Asian women may want to see female doctors because of relegious issues, but it tends to be less where they live, so they may not see them.

It is linked to social class, so problems working class suffer may be the same as ethnic minorities.

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Health care in comtemporary society; Age.

NHS funding is deemed bias, because it is based on tax. Older people are retired or part time and will pay less tax, and with a growing population it is spent on them instead of others.

Institutional ageism has the following effects;

Women over 65 not invited for breast screenings, although two thirds of deaths occured in this group.

A fifth of all heart units operate on an age related policy, although two thirds of heart attacks were over 65.

Clinical trials often exclude the elderly, although a third of cancers occur in over 75s.

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