Social Practical

pratical for social approach

  • Created by: Lollipop
  • Created on: 09-01-13 19:31


Aim - to test social identity theory by comparing attitudes of participants of their own year group with other year groups

Procedure -

  • 20 participants aged 16-18
  • Opportunity sampling
  • From pilot study - made questions more understandable to participants
  • Questionnaire - open and closed ended questions to produce qualitiative and quantitative data

Results - More positive attitude towards in group than out group - 100% preferred in group

Conclusion - Social idenitity theory is correct - participants showed more positive attitudes to in group than to out group

Strength - most ethical guidelines met except informed consent - make results less reliable

Weakness - sample not representative of total population - small - lacks generalisability

Improvements - Use straitified asmpling to have equla participanst from each catergory or complete study in other schools to improve generalisability

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Ethics = consent, right to withdraw, competence and debrief

Alternative Hypothesis - there will be a difference between attitudes towards in group and out group

Null Hypothesis - there will be no difference between attitudes towards in group and out group. The only difference is due to chance

Alternative supported, null rejected

Independent variable - is question about in group or out group

Dependent variable - participants attittudes towards in group and out group

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