English Language

So I've got an English exam in two days :L

So the teachers have been pumping me with this stuff: skills for reading, language techniques, tips for writing, structures (leaflet etc) - hope its useful ^^

  • Created by: Halimah
  • Created on: 07-01-13 15:22

Locate and Retrieve Questions

  • This question requires you to list 10 different things to get the marks
  • Usually the first question
  • You DON'T need to do any analysing, just pick out the information.
  • Questions are usually asked in the format 'What are the writers thoughts and feelings on _____________?'
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Analysing Language Questions

  • Usually Question 2 or 3
  • You need to interpret meanings and evaluate effects of the language on the reader
  • To get the marks, you need close to 10 different points
  • You need to use quotes to back up your points
  • Questions usually phrased something like 'How does the writer try to prove that__________________?'
  • How questions can be about the writers:

- Choice of content

- Choice of words

- Choice of sentence types

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Impressions Questions

  • Usually question 2 or 3
  • To get the marks you need to find close to 10 things
  • Need to evaluate the effect on the reader
  • You could analyse language if it helps you answer the question
  • Impression Questions look similar to 'What impression do you get of ____________ ?'
  • Each point made should include:

1) What the impression given is

2) What makes the impression (quote)

3) How it creates the effect

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Example of an impressions question (that got 10/10

What impression does the extract give of Will.I.Am? (Each time mark in a different colour)

From the beginning, of the extract, the writer gives mixed messages about his views of Will.I.Am. The writer insults Will.I.Am by saying he's '...responsible for some howling songs...' which compares him to a dog or a wolf. However, he then goes on to say Will.I.Am makes '...compulsive viewing...', which is a back handed compliment - saying his ridiculousness is what people watch The Voice for.This is continued into the extract. Firstly, he says that Will.I.Am is '...the only true star...' - a compliment. After that however, the tone utterly changes as he says Will.I.Am '..murder music...'. Here the writer compares Will.I.Am to a criminal - who took away the life of music. This is a vicious critisism of Will.I.Am as a composer and a singer/ songwriter.The second paragraph seems slightly more positive. Although there is the insult of '...nothing of punishing the world...' about him, the writer acknowledges Will.I.Am's status when he says '...scoring a mentor...multi-millions selling, Grammy-winning...' Also there is the first proper compliment of the article that isn't slightly tinged with an insult '...single handedly turned... must see TV...'. These quotes show the writer does acknowledge that Will.I.Am has a high status as a musician (even if he doesn't agree).

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Comparison Questions

  • Usually question 4
  • You need to outline the similarities and differences of the texts
  • You DON'T need to analyse language, just compare content and say why they are different (if they are)
  • Questions are usually close to 'Compare what the two texts have to say about______?'
  • You may be given headings as a prompt.
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Language techniques: QREEPA (and their effects)

Questions (Rhetorical) - To make the reader think

Repetition - So it sticks in the readers mind

Exaggeration - Makes it seem more important than it is

Emotive Language - To make the reader feel something

Personal Address - To make the reader feel included

Assertions - They are believed like fact, but they aren't necessarily

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General Advice

  • Read the tasks and questions properly
  • Use spelling, punctuation and grammar to the best you can
  • Planning is essential - so make quick plan before you start

(Reading) - Spend 15 mins reading and finding answers, then answer the questions

- Use 5 mins planning, and 5 checking.

Read your answers to yourself rather than just knowing what you've put - it'll be easier to spot mistakes.

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Writing to Persuade


1) Address the reader directly (use the word you)

2) Use rhetorical questions

3) Use emotive language (powerful verbs and adjectives)

4) Repetition

5) Add evidence (facts and figures, anecdotes, quotes)

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Writing to Argue

  • Your starting point is to ask "What are the arguements for and against?"
  • Pick the side you can think of more points for
  • Pick 4/5 arguements
  • When argueing:

- Back up arguements with evidence

- DON'T use insults

- Don't go too over-the-top (your point becomes a rant)

  • Acknowledge the counter-arguement, but then prove it to be invalid.
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Writing to Advise


1) Be reassuring in tone

2) Use modal verbs (could, should, would, will, might, must)

3) Offer alternatives

4) Make sure you give a solution

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Writing an Article

Articles consist of:

  • Titles and subheadings
  • Interesting openings
  • Clear topic sentences and structure (paragraphs)
  • Interesting, lively language
  • Anecdotes (used as evidence that is more interesting than statistics)

EXAMPLE: Write an article for a website aimed at teenagers called 'Why Britains kids are brilliant'. It should be up to 600 words.

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Writing a Guide

  • Will be a place you are familiar with
  • You should include:

- How to get there

- Places to stay

- Places to eat

- Things you can do

EXAMPLE: Write a guide for a family that may want to visit Sheffield for their holidays.

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Writing a Leaflet

Leaflets give information in a persuasive way. A leaflet should include:

  • A catchy title
  • Subtitles
  • Bullet Points
  • Short Paragraphs

EXAMPLE: Write a leaflet to persuade someone to give up smoking.

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Writing a Report

  • Reports are more factual and up-to-date than articles
  • You should include your five w's (Who, What, When, Where, Why) 
  • Include how, when necessary
  • You should also try to add

- A headline

- Paragraphs (in chronological order)

- Facts and descriptions - its an eye witness account

EXAMPLE: Write a report for the police on a road accident that happened on your street.

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Writing a Speech

To write a speech, include these things:

  • Address your audience directly 
  • Greet them at the start of the speech
  • Thank them for listening at the end
  • Use speech marks around your entire answer

EXAMPLE: Write a speech to argue to your school governors whether uniforms should be necessary in school.

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