Se quema la chumbamba - Familia Valera Miranda



- Song is about when a piece of land caught fire

- Son montuno (‘mountain son’)

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Performance forces & handling

- Lead vocal = Pregon

- Chorus vocals = Coro

- Limited vocal range

- Cuatro solo is adventoros and has wide range

- Percussion and guitar feature in accompaniment

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- 4 bar intro

- 8 bar 'pregon' verses followed by 8 bar 'coro' refrains

- Long cuatro solo

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- G minor


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- Limited chords - I and V7

- Eb over D7 chord makes harmony interesting?

- Cuatro solo uses wider range of chords

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- Balanced 2 and 4 bar phrases

- Main guejo is a sequence

- Melody in solo is more varied - uses all notes in G minor harmonic scale

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Tempo, Metre and Rhythm

- 2/2 metre

- Rhythms fit into 3:2 son clave 

- 'Anticipitation' bass

- 4th bar of phrase uses straight crochets to 'anchor' the rhythm (chum-bam-ba)

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Tempo, Metre and Rhythm

- 2/2 metre

- Rhythms fit into 3:2 son clave 

- 'Anticipitation' bass

- 4th bar of phrase uses straight crochets to 'anchor' the rhythm (chum-bam-ba)

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