


first you will have an ultra sound scan which checks the position of the foetus, and find the best place to remove the amnitoic fluid and also to ensure the needle can pass through the womb safely. the area the needle can penetrte will be numbed with local anaesthetic.

The procedure is that an antiseptic solution will be used to clean the womens abdomen to decrease infection, a long thin needle will be inserted through the abdomen wall, using the ultra sound pictures the needle will be guided through the amnitoic sack, a syringe will be used to extract a sample of amnitoic fluid, the sample will be sent off to be analsysed. the proceudre will take around ten minutes.

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Chorionic villus sampling is a test to detect genetic conditions.

the procedure is that the women will first have an ultra sound to detect the position of the placenta from this the doctor will do one of two things (A TRANS CERVICAL PROCEDURE AND A TRANS ABDOMINAL PROCEDURE).

during the transabdominal the abdomen is cleaned with an antiseptic, then a local anaesthetic is placed in the area the needle will penetrate, the needle is then inserted and will take sample cells from the placenta, the sample will be analysed.

during the transcervical the syringe is inserted vaginally and is guided towards the placenta using the ultra sound scan, the syrigne extracts cells from the placenta and these cells are sent off for analysis.

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what is CVS used to detect

cystric fibrosis

muscular dystrophy

sickle cell anaemia.

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what is amniocentisis used to detect

down syndrome

spina bifida

sickle cell anemia

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Blood test procedure?

the skin will be cleaned with an antiseptic wipe to decrease infection, a tourniquet will be placed on the top of the arm which will increase the blood flow in the arm, the blood will be taken from the arm usually the inside of the elbow.

a needle will be injected into the vwein and a syringe will extract a sample of blood from the body, a bit of cotton wool will be given to the person to press on the area that was injected.

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what is the blood sample analysed for?

anaemia, the sample of blood will contain cells and the blood will be analysed to check levels of haemoglobin. they would have anaemia if they had a low number of red blood cells and the negative result would be is there was a normal number of red blood cells.

blood grouping, that is finding the mothers blood group so if a transfusion if needed the blood group is written down, the blood group is determined by the sample of blood being mixed with different antibody solutions, for example if the solution contains B antibodies and you have B antigens in the blood the cells would clump up this would mean your blood type is B

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