Science Biology Energy Flow


  • Created by: stephanie
  • Created on: 15-06-10 12:35

Animal And Plant Cells

Typical animal cells are made up of a CELL MEMBRANE, CYTOPLASM and a NUCLEUS.

Typical plant cells are made up of a CELL WALL, cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm and CHLOROPLASTS.

The nucleus contains all the genetic information needed by the organism.

The cytoplasm is where all chemical reactions take place,

The cell membranbe controls what enters and leaves the cell.

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PHOTOSYNTHESIS is a process where CARBON DIOXIDE GAS and WATER are converted into OXYGEN and GLUCOSE.

Plants carry out photosynthesis in order to make glucose. They then use this to make energy via RESPIRATION.

Photosynthesis needs LIGHT ENERGY.

Photosynthesis occurs in the CHLOROPLASTS in the cells.

Chloroplasts are filled with a green pigment called CHLOPHYLL.

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Using Plants

Light, Carbon dioxide levels and temperature are factors that affect the rate of PHOTOSYNTHESIS.

A LIMITING FACTOR of photosynthesis is a factor which prevents the plant carrying out photosynthesis as its OPTIMUM RATE.

Limiting factors for photosynthesis tend to be either light, water, carbon dioxide or temperature.

If there is insufficient light, there is not enough energy given for the photosynthesis reaction.

If there is insufficent water or carbon dioxide, there is not enough reactant for the reaction.

The optimum tempreture for photosynthesis to happen is dependent on the enzymes found within the plant.

Plants have evolved to compete for these limiting factors.

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The Carbon Cycle

The CARBON CYCLE describes the cycling of carbon in the form of carbon dioxide.

Carbon Dioxide is taken in by plants for PHOTOSYNTHESIS. The carbon dioxide is locked up in carbon compounds, mainly GLUCOSE (C6 H12 O6). Oxygen is released.

Living organisms feed on plants. They use the carbon compunds in plants for RESPIRATION. Carbon Dioxide and water are released.

When plants and animals die, they are broken down by MICROOGANISMS. Carbon compounds locked up in dead organisms are used for respiration by microoganisms, Carbon dioxide is released.

FOSSIL FUELS are created from dead plant and animal matter, burnign them releases carbon dioxide.

The sea absorbs much carbon dioxide from the air.

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