science appiled

section 2.1 - a healthy diet.


a balanced diet



A balanced diet 



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what makes a balanced diet?

-A Balanced diet supplies all your Essential Nutrients.

- We need a variety of nutrients for functions like respiration, movement, growth and repair of tissues

-It can cause health problems if you have too many or too little of any key nutrient.

- You need fibres in your diet as well.


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vitamins and Minerals

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vitamins A -helps healthy eyesight, keeps mucous membranes free from infection.

B vitamins- release energy form carbs, maintain the nervous system

Vitamins D- maintain healthly teeth and bones, absorptions of calcium and phosphorus.

Vitamins K- helps blood clots

Vitamins C- maintains the immune system, maintains the skin, and lining the digestive system.

minerals are iron, calcium, phpsphorus and zinc.

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Diet problems

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-Not eating enough vitamins can make you ill.

-Vitamins A - problems with adjusting eyes to dim light, dry skin

- Vitamins B- Anaemia, mouth sores, nerve cells degeneration.

-Vitamins c- bleeding gums, poor healing on cuts.

-Vitamins D- weak teeth and bones.


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Food additives

Food additives 

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different additives thats do different things 

antioxidants- preserves

flavouring- good taste 

colourings- certain colours 

preservatives- stops the food spoiling 

sweeteners- add a sweet taste 

thickeners- increase viscosity 

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pros and cons of food additives 

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improves appearance, taste, flavour and texture of food 

add colours to food 

increase shelf life 


not sure how safe some are 

some cause allergic reactions 

some people think it causes hyperactive behavior 

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food preservation 

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bacteria like warm, and moist condition 

but the growth of bacteria can be slowed or stopped by:





salting pickling 

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essential nutrients 

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essential nutrients

plants need minerals for healthy growth 

nitrates - needed to make proteins, which are needed for cell growth

phosphates- needed for respiration and growth

potassium- needed to help photosynthesis and respiration 

magnesiums- essential for making chlorphyll 

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finding the optimum diet 

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athletes  need different diets from other people 

you need plenty carbs for energy 

protein to build or repair muscle 

plenty of water to be hydrated and  control body temp  

monitor fat intake 

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body mass index 

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bmi indicates if you are overweight and underweight 

to work out bmi you need to 

divide your body mass in kg by your height squared in m 

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isotonic sport drinks 

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during exercise you lose water,glucose and electrolytes 

you use up a lot of glucose by breaking it down to release energy

sweat contain lots of water and ions called electrolytes you lose these from your body 

you need to replace all of these and isotonic drinks do this.

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