


Breathing and Respiration

Aerobic Respiration - respiration that reacts with oxygen to release energy

Anaerobic Respiration - respiration that releases energy without oxygen

Equation for Respiration - glucose+oxygen---> carbon dioxide+water+energy

Equation for Combustion - fuel+oxygen--->carbon dioxide+water+energy

When you breath in air, oxygen is passed through the body and blood carries the oxygen from the lungs to all of the cells.

When you breath out air, the carbon dioxide that is made during respiration is brought up through the cycle again and is then breathed out.

Inhaled air and exhaled air contain different amounts of different gases.

Emphysema is a disease which if you get it (usually caused by smoking), you tend to breath more and faster than people with normal lungs because less oxygen can be absorbed into the blood.

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The alveolis adaptions are :

-Thin walls (one cell thick) - oxygen and carbon dioxide can squeeze easily through the walls into and out of the blood.

 - Good blood supply - The oxygen is carried away from the lungs quickly and the carbon dioxide arrives at the lungs quickly.

 - Moist lining - To get through the walls, the gases must be dissolved in water. The moist lining is there to help them dissolve.

Oxygen and glucose reach the cells by

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