Sciemtific Detection

  • Created by: Billy
  • Created on: 28-04-08 10:33

Stains: A coloured substances used to reveal certain features.

Micrograph: A microscope image recorded as a photograph.

Atom: The smallest part of an element that can be identified as that element.

Nucleus: The positively charged central core of an atom.

Electrons: Negatively charged particles that from the outer shells of atoms.

Transmission electron microscope (TEM): An electron microscope that passes a beam of electrons through a particle.

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM): A electron microscope that scans the surface of a sample.

Chromatography: The result of chromatography, showing the positions of separated components.

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Key Words

Accreditation: A system to recognise the standards and reliability of testing laboratories.

Proficiency Test: test to check the accuracy of analytical procedures.

Forensic: Using scientific methods in the investigation of crime.

Colorimeter: An analytical instrument which measures colour intensity.

Electron Microscope: A microscope that uses beams of electrons to create an image.

Sample: A part of something taken for analysis.

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Outlier: Measurements that appear inconsistent.

Uncertainty:When your not sure.

Random Errors: An error that has a variable effect on measurements

Systematic Errors: An error that has the same effect on all measurements.

Valid: Suitable for what was being analysed or tested.

Justifiable: Backed by sound, reliable evidence

Objective lens: The main magnifying lens of a microscope, nearest the object being examined.

Eyepiece lens: The microscope lens closest to the eye.

Magnifying Power: The factor by which the size of the image in a microscope is greater that the size of the object.

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Representative: Having properties which are the same as the rest of the item or set.

Standard operating procedures: Precise instructions written so that scientists can carry out an analysis or test in the same way every time.

Calibrated: Checked for accuracy with a suitable standard.

Standard Reference Materials: Materials of known composition that scientists use for reference.

Calibration Graphs: Graph drawn from data about known samples that enable unknown samples to be analysed.

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Resolving Power: Or resolution, the distance between two points that can stillbe seen and separate under a microscope.

Depth of field: The depth of a microscope image which shows parts of the specimen in clear focus.

Temporary Slides: A sample mounted on a microscope slide for immediate examination in a light microscope

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