


Catholic and CofE churches have an infant christening
All other denominations apart from Salvation army and Quakers have adult baptisms

The physical aspect is Holy water.

The spiritual meaning behind a baptism is the washing away of sins

Christians believe that Jesus said you can only enter heaven if you have been born again

You can only be born again through water

You can be born spiritually through baptism, instead of flesh

Baptism is incredibly important for Christians, to be one with God

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Infant Baptism

It is the choice of the parents

Family bring baby

Vicar asks if they accept Christian faith and promise to raise child up as a christian

The baby has water poured over its head three times, once for each part of the trinity

Godparents and church promise to help the child grow in their christian faith.

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Believer's Baptism

Own decision

Person tells the church why they want to be baptised

The vicar asks them if they have accepted the Christian faith

The person is lowered into the water, to represent starting new life

The vicar and church pray for God to help the person to grow in their faith

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Holy Communion/Eucharist

All denominations apart from Salvation army and Quakers have a holy communion

The physical aspect is drinking wine and breaking the bread.

The spiritual meaning is to remember Christ's suffering for our sins

It is a worship of God and a rememberance of Jesus' sacrifice

Christians receive God's grace

It is a joyful celebration

It makes people holy, strengthens and expresses their faith

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Roman Catholics

3 readings

Say prayers

Bread and wine brought to the alter

Say Eucharist prayer and Lord's prayer

Give sign of peace

Receive communion

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Sing hymns

Say prayers

Listen to readings

Chant gospel

Consecrates one bread

Prayers are said

Distribute consecrated bread

Prayers of thanksgiving

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Show sign of peace before offerings

Shared equally

Some believe in Transubstantiation

Some believe in Jesus being present spiritually

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Non conformist

Hymn and prayer of thanksgiving and praise

Bible reading and sermons


"Open table"

Receive bread and wine

Prayer of thanksgiving

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Share bread and wine in separate glasses

Sing whilst passed around

Take communion at the same time


Thank and praise God

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Catholics and Anglicans have confirmations

The physical aspects are annointing with oil, kneeling and laying of hands

The spiritual meaning is the rejection of all that is evil. It is the special calling in life

Confirmation confirms vows previously made by parents
There are classes before the ceremony and a certificate is given

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Only Catholics have reconciliation

The physical aspect is talking in a box, and having anomity, as well as talking and penance.

The spiritual meaning is being forgiven by God.

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Holy Orders

Only Catholics have holy orders

The physical aspect is praying for God and Jesus, and praying over bread and wine.

The spiritual meaning is to be holy and dedicate and dedicate themselves to God.

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All denominations accept marriage, but catholics do not allow divorce.

The physical aspects are rings and veils.

The spiritual meanings are the relationship between church and God. It is two bodies becoming one

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Anointing of the Sick

Catholics anoint the sick

The physical aspect is the oil and the sign of the cross.

The spiritual meanings are the spiritual comfort, recovery, gives strength and forgives a sin.

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