Rounding using d.p.

Decimal places. Basics.

I make my mistakes sometimes (rarely), and if you spot one make sure you leave a comment to point it out. It's important!

  • Created by: Alice
  • Created on: 28-05-09 16:46

Decimal Places

A question may look something like this:

Round 8.765374847 to 2 decimal places/d.p.

And you'll be like:

  • 2 decimal places means to have only 2 numbers after the point.
  • .76 are those 2 numbers after the point.
  • Look at the third number after the decimal point - it's 5.
  • This 3rd number, in this case, is 5 or bigger
  • So you take 8.76 and BOOST the 2nd number UP one.

You are now left with your answer rounded to 2 d.p.

= 8.77

Let's try some more --->>>>>

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More decimal places:

Practise until you're perfect.

  • Grab a pen & paper and have a go. The answers and explainations are on the next card, so no peeking until you've attempted the questions! :)
  • After the last digit, don't have anything more - no zeros, nothing!
  • Also, it may help if you actually draw a line after the last digit.

1) Round 35.34534 to 1 d.p.

2) Round 787.5623 to 2 d.p.

3) Round 4.5846904 to 3 d.p.

4) Round 8367.59455454 to 4 d.p.

Click next card for answers ------>>>>

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1) We're looking at 35.3 with a 4 after it. 4 is less than 5. So it stays as 35.3

2) We're looking at 787.56 with a 2 after it. 2 is less than 5. So it stays as 787.56

3) We're looking at 4.584 with a 6 after it. 6 is more than 5. So it changes to 4.585

4) We're looking at 8367.5945 with a 5 after it. It's a 5. So it changes to 8367.5946

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Good example and questions on rounding to a given number of decimal places

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