

Dartmoor- granite landscapes


  • Freeze thaw and weather wear away the granite rocks
  • The sections that have no joints do not wear away as quickly as they're impermeable
  • This results in an isolated outcrop of granite rock
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Dartmoor- uses of landscape

  • TOURISM- millions visit to see the landscape E.G Bowermans nose
  • QUARRYING- granite is used in buildings and other famous features like Nelsons column, E.G. Meldon quarry
  • FARMING- in 2000 over 290000 hectors of land for livestock
  • RESEVOIRS- 8 resevoirs E.G. Burrator supplying plymouth
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South downs- clay and chalk landscape


  • Horizontal layers of chalk and clay tilted by earths tectonic movemoments
  • The clay is soft and less resistant so erroded faster than the chalk
  • the chalk is more resistant so left sticking up to form the escarpment and the slope whereas the flat clay land formed the vales
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south downs- uses of landscape

  • FARMING- sheep, race horses and cows because the soil is too acidic to grow crops
  • SETTLEMENTS- historical settlements like Fulking castle has high ground to defend themselves
  • TOURISITS- view points on the hill to take in the amazing surroundings E.G. devils dyke
  • RACE TRACK- famous epson race track located on chalk escarpment
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yorkshire dales- limestone landscape

Formation of limestone pavement

  • Rain water reacts with co2 in the air to form a weak carbonic acid
  • the acid chemically weathers and enlarges the joints
  • this alls freeze thaw and results in clints and grikes
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Yorkshire dales- uses of landscape

  • TOURISM- walking, camping and over 8 million visitors to visit honey pot sites like Malhome cover
  • QUARRYING- Limestone used in building as its strong an important quarry is Castle Bolton Quarry
  • FARMING- Soils are thin and suitable for animals so some farmers start up B&Bs E.G. green grove country house
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Hope quarry- impacts

  • SOCIAL- the quarry and cememt works have employed 300 locals which results in the multipler effect BUT noise pollution affects locals and heavy lorries increase congestion on the A6187
  • ECONOMIC- huge amounts of energy needed to quarry so lots of money, employes use the local shops which means locals get pay rise
  • ENVIRONMENTAL- holes ruin the landscape and cement works produce 11million tonnes of co2
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hope quarry- reducing impacts

  • £20 million on new tram transport system instead of lorries
  • reduce dust spreading and causing health problems by spraying it
  • Area landscaped by 7000 trees
  • restoration in areas that couldn't be quarried
  • sand bags to prevent blast sound
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hope quarry- restoring

  • DURING- Hedgrows, oak trees, replacing lorries with trains
  • AFTER- 2000 trees in 2004, footpaths to provide public access, 9 hole golf course in areas not being used
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London chalk aquifer


  • Water travels through the permeable clay and it stored in the pores
  • The rain water percolates through the rock and stops at the impermeable chalk
  • this is called the water table
  • the water runs to the london basin because london is located between Chilterns hills and the North downs
  • The water is then brought up by well
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london chalk aquifer advantages and disadvantages

+ clean, unpolluted water

+does not dry up during drought

-takes years to be replaced

-people cannot increase storage capacity

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