rime of the acient mariner

  • Created by: emily
  • Created on: 15-04-14 11:50

rhym of the acient mariner

  •  Part 1 Aspects of narrative;
  • anonymous 3rd person narrator- adds sense of mystery to the poem from onset
  • fist person voice from the ancient mariner and the wedding guest 
  • archaic lexis used to emphasize characters age or to make it seem medieval (romantic period fascinated with medieval times)
  • regular rhyming scheme
  •  quatrain structure (shows regularity in this part of the story)
  •  Stanza 12 breaks quatrain structure and forms sestet structure, breaks the regular rhyme scheme all this emphasizes the chaos like the chaos the storm caused the mariners.
  • Iambic tetrameter- this follows the natural rhythm of our natural speech making it very easy to be read aloud. 
  • Stanza 6 is where the analepsis starts and the mariner then begins to talk about his past.
  • figurative language such as similes-'as green as a emerald' and stanza 16 is a metaphor of faith setting a person free ' as if it had been a Christian soul' references to the savoir Jesus Christ 
  • 'crossbow' the use of this could also be a link with religion as it has connotations with the Christian cross and resurrection
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rime of the acient mariner

  • part 2 aspects of narrative
  • 'the sun now rose upon the right' this suggest that the ship is now heading north- this is a change in direction and also may forshadow a dramatic change in the story also tell the reader the setting. (paccfic)
  • mostly qutrain structure apart from stanza 3&4 which are set this shows the change in the poem now that the albatros has been killed
  • conditions and opinions change realy fast in this poem eg stanza 5 the weathrer changes sudenly form bad to good. this enphazes the fast pase of he poem and how quickly things can change in life.
  • 'furrow followed free' creates speed in the the stanza this could show that the sailors are optimistic about the boat flowing away.
  • 'about my neck was hung' the use of inversion here adds dramatic effect to the end of part two by it ending on a climatic word 'hing' wich has is cognative with death.
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rime of the acient mariner

  • part 3 aspects of narrative
  • use of enjambment in the first stanza breaks the regular rhyme scheme this could suggest that Coleridge is trying to expand on the previous line for a more dramatic effect
  • repetition of the word 'weary in the second stanza expresses just how exhausted these mariners are and make the reader feel empathy for them
  • 'Speck' instead of telling it is he uses this word which brings about uncertainty.
  • ‘I sucked the blood' two meanings- 1st he was so parched that he needed to wet his mouth so he was able to speak. 2nd- Christian imagery if you drink your blood you are forgiven- he is asking for repent
  • '(heavens mother send us grace)' this is use of parenthesis and because it is not needed in this stanza it suggests the pain the mariner still feels every time he tells his story
  • Whistles thrice' this is the rule of three- as humans we respond to things that come in three better eg three little pigs. its the idea if something is repeated three times it sinks in better. it also has a beginning middle or end, it makes it stick in your head and adds sequence.
  •  'sun rims dips' when life in death wins the sun goes down maybe because sun suggests hope as it gives life to everything on earth suggests that these two things are opposites sun hope she doom.
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rime of the acient mariner

  • part 4
  • 'i fear thee acient mariner!' this voice is the wedding guest this brings the setting back to the temporal world however he still seems ghost like 'skinny hand' he doest fit in either world
  • repition of 'alone' reinforces his isolation and that his punishment at first was lonliness
  • the ryhme of sea and agony suggests that both brough about each other this is due tot he fact that they are only halve rhyms and collrdige could have found a full rhyme if they where not significant
  • 'slimey things lived on and so did i' comparing himself to slimey things reinforces the regret he feels.
  • 'seven days,seven nights'- could have relevence to the creation story  god created the world in 7 days. therefore he may have to the curse of the 'dead mans eye' for that period of time because he destroyed something god created.
  • 'i watched their rich attire' he is taken by the creatures beauty, and feels the connection and love they have for each other, he just feels the good for them and because of this he stops focussing on himself.
  • 'and i blessed them unaware' this is how he attained his glittering eye of knowledge blessing the beautiful creatures
  • 'the albotross fell off and sank' he is no longer carrying the burdan of his actions. by the mariners prayers he is freed from his tourment.
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rime of the acient mariner

  • lyrical ballad- reflects how the story is being told by the mariner as tradatinally a ballad is a song that has been passed down- this parrallels how the mariner has had to retell the ballad.
  • 'slid into my soul' this sibolounce creates a sleepy tone- (almost sounds like sleep itself) this reflects the mariner calmness.
  • this paired with the sence of relife of 'when he awoke it rained' again reinforeces the calmness he feels. it could also be a symbol of baptism and of the mariner being washed of his sins- symbolism of he wakes into his new life.
  • he potrayed to be touched by god due to his baptism, praying but also through the roaring wind. this could represent the holly spirit.
  • sence of change and movement,created by the use of adjectives such as 'burst' 'hurried' and 'danced' and the reptition of word 'to' and 'fro'
  • 'i fell down in swouned' possible religiouse refrence to the fall of adam and eve. this reminds the reader that the mariner will have to 'pick himself back up' and pay pencance for the sins he has committed.
  • mixture between qutrain and seset stanza's this could show that this part is not as stright forward as all the other parts due to t he mixture in stanza sizes.
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rime of the acient mariner

  • part 6
  • in this part colleridge uses dramatic diolog to show conversation- this makes it seem like the reader is there
  • iambic tetrameter- this copies our natural speach pattern and makes it easier to be read aloud
  • the first voice is curious and ussaly as'hellks the questions
  • second voice is knolgable and answers the questions- using the word 'voice' amd not giving them names adds to the supernatural fect because it creates evan more mystery
  • using voices adds to the complexity of the structure because there are other voices within the framework.
  • stanza 8 focuses on death 'chanel dungeon' has connatations with a slaughter house 'stoney eyes' reinforces that the bodys are devoid of life.
  • 'and now this spll was snapt;' use of cezura reinforces that the spell was snapt because it forces the reader to pause.
  • use of elongated vowels in 'dread' slow down the speed the reader reads the stanza this could show that colerige sees this stanza as more important the fact that this stanza is seset structure reinforces this idea.
  • 'doth close behind him tread'- this is added on by the cezure and represent the human fear of isolation and being persued.
  • 'hell wash away' represents god washish away the mariners sins.
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