Revision Do's and Dont's


Revision Do's and Dont's

Revision do’s

> Make yourself a nice work area. You need a flat surface with a lot of good light. Gather

up all of the things you might need- pens, pencils, paper, colour pencils, a dictionary

> Try and do your revision at the same time each day. Getting into a routine will make it

seem less like a chore

> Explain to your family your revision and tell them how it follows on from what you have

done in class. Talking about it will reinforce it and give you more ideas

> Eat a healthy snack before settling down to do your revision- you won’t be able to

concentrate if you are hungry

> Use a variety of resources including the internet. There are games you can use to make

it seem more fun. Just don’t get distracted by things like Facebook, Twitter or Wattpad

> Revise more than the textbook. If you are studying Shakespeare, watch the play or movie.

This will make it more interesting and will reinforce what you have learned in class

> Studying with a friend is a good way to share ideas and motivate each other

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Revision Do's and Dont's

Revision don’ts

> Don’t start revising until you have made a plan showing what you need to do and when

you will do it. This will help you focus and stop you get distracted from the task in hand

> Don’t revise with the television on. This will distract you and stop you from doing what

you need to. If you need some background noise, turn on the radio or listen to a CD if you

find this helps

> Don’t forget to take short breaks every now and then. A 15-20 minute break every 90

minutes will refresh your mind. Go for a walk, have a drink or listen to some music

> Make sure that you don’t go to bed too late. This will tire you and unfocus your mind

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