Revision for Y8 1st half term

  • Created by: jollyboli
  • Created on: 30-09-17 10:13

Energy 1

Energy cannot be created or deastroyed, but it can be converted from one form to another. 

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Energy 2

Energy is measured in Calories, or Joules

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Useful and Wasted Energy 1

Enegy that is distributed into differant parts are shown in a sankey diagram. This is an arrow that splits off into other arrows tto show energy.

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Electricity 1

The cell cuircuit diagram looks like this : -| l-, abattery looks like this: -| l-| l- and a voltmeter looks like a V in an O (sorry cant make diagram with letters/symbols).

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Electricity 2

The first person to realise that muscles can be moved with electricity was Galvani, while the first person to make a battery was Alessandro Volta.

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Electricity 3

You can make a battery outof a lemon. All you need to do is get a lemon, stick some zinc and a fork in it , conect itto a digital clock with wires, and hey presto you have a battery. You canalso do it with a potato.

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