




Outer membrane

Inner membrane 


Comparmentalization= some organisms contain membrane bound organelles. The membranses surrounding the organelles serve as barriers dividing the cell into seperate compartments. 

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Respiration summary

  • Glycolysis= + 2 ATP    
  • Link reaction= + 2 reduced NAD and releases 2 carbon dioxide 
  • Krebs cycle= + 2 ATP 
  • Oxidative phosphorylation/ Electron transfer chain = + 34 ATP
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  • Converts 6C glucose into 3C pyruvate 
  • Occurs in cytoplasm 
  • An anaerobic process 
  • Glucose is split into two seperate triose sugars, this is done by the energy gained from the phosphrylation of 2 ATP. This forms two triose phosphate molecules 
  • Each of the triose sugars are then oxidised by inorganic phosphates which in turn reduces the co enzyme NAD, as it gains electrons, creating 2X reduced NAD
  • These triose sugars are then converted into pyruvate in this process, for each triose sugar 2 ADP molecules are phosphorylated into 2 ATP molecules .                                                    This is called SUBSTRATE LEVEL PHOSPHORYLATION
  • Creates 4 ATP molecules with a net gain of 2 ATP 
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Glycolysis anaerobic respiration

  • Also the first part of anaerobic respiration 
  • In yeast the pyruvate is converted into ethanol and carbon dioxide and in mammals it's converted into lactic acid 
  • This allows the regeneration of reduced NAD into NAD which is needed for the production of more pyruvate 
  • This also has a gross gain of 4 ATP and a net gain of 2 ATP
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Link reaction

  • Pyruvate leaves the cytoplasm and enters the matrix of the mitochondria 
  • The 3 carbon pyruvate goes through decarboxylation where it loses a a carbon as carbon dioxide
  • At the same time the coenzyme NAD removes hydrogen from the pyruvate oxidising the pyruvate and reducing the NAD.
  • This reaction is catalysed by an OXIREDUCTASE ENZYME ( dehydrogenate) .
  • The two carbons left from the pyruvate then combine with Coenzyme A to produce ACETYL COENZYME A.
  • Acetyl coenzyme A can be formed from both carbohydrates and fatty acids. 
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The krebs cycle

  • Occurs in matrix of the mitochondria 
  • One ADP is phosphorylated into ATP and two carbon dioxides are produced 
  • Four coenzymes are released 
  • 2 Carbons from Acetyl coenzyme A join with a four carbon compound to form the six carbon compound (citrate) 
  • In a series of reactions the 6C compound is converted back into the 4C compound.
  • During this 3 NAD's become reduced as well as FAD. Both of these reductions are catalysed by an oxireductase enzyme
  • One ADP is also phosphorylated into ATP 
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Oxidative Phosphorylation

Cytochrome= Protein that contains iron in a haem group. The iron is easily oxidised and reduced.

Electron transfer chain= compounds (e.g.cytochromes) transfer electrons from electron donors to electron acceptors by redox reactions. They couple this with the transfer of protons across a membrane.

  • The reduced NAD and FAD pass their hydrogens and electrons to a chain of cytochrome carriers which are foudn in the cristae of the mitochondria. 
  • This process seperates the hydrogen and electrons creating a proton gradient across the membrane. 
  • The space between the inner and outer membrane has a low pH due to the acumulation of H ions. 
  • Protons flow down and electrochemical gradient through ATP synthase. This movement powers ATP synthase which synthesis ADP + Pi to create ATP 
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Energy Budget

  • Each NAD generates 3 ATP molecules 
  • Each FAD generates 2 ATP molecules
  • One turn of the respiration cycle forms 38 ATP, 
  • the actual amount tends to be 30-32 however as there can be a leakage of protons and other molecules.

ATP is formed by 

  • Substrate level phosphorylation- exergonic reaction of TP into pyruvate or the conversions of ketoglutarate into succinate in the krebs cycle. always anaerobic and only in respiration.
  • Oxidative phosphorylation- ATP formed on the mitochondrial cristae, with energy from the oxidation of hydrogen. Alwasy aerobic.
  • Photophosphorylation- ATP formed on the granal lammelae in the chloroplast. Energy supplieed by sunlight. This is anaerobix 
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