Reproduction and inheritance

  • Created by: Twoodl31
  • Created on: 29-12-17 11:54

3a) Reproduction Part 1

Sexual Reproduction is the fusion of male and female gametes. A mix of genes.

Asexual Reproduction involves only one parent. Offspring have Identical genes.

Fertilisation involves the fusion of a male and female gamete to produce a zygote that undergoes cell division and develops into an embryo.

Insect Pollination Adaptations.

  • Brightly coloured petals with scented flowers.
  • Big sticky pollen grain to attack to the insects.
  • Stigma is also sticky so pollen will stick to it.

Wind Pollination Adaptations.

  • Small, dull flower petals. No strong scent. A large feathery stigma.
  • A lot of pollen grains. Long filaments that hang the anthers outside the plant.
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3a) Reproduction Part 2

Image result for flower gcse biology diagram

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3a) Reproduction Part 3


  • A pollen grain lands on the stigma.
  • A pollen tube grows out from the pollen grain and down through the style to the ovary and into the ovule.
  • A nucleus from the male gamete moves down the tube to join with the female gamete.
  • Fertilisation is when the two gametes fuse together to make a zygote.
  • Each fertilised egg forms a seed.

Conditions for germination - Water and Temp (Enzymes), Oxygen (Respiration) 

A developing seed contains an embryo and a store of food reserves wrapped in a hard seed coat. It gets glucose for respiration from its own food stores.Once it has grown it can get its own food.

Natural Asexual - Runners    Artificial Asexual - Cuttings.

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3a) Reproduction Part 4

Image result for male reproductive system gcse

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3a) Reproduction Part 5

Image result for female reproductive system gcse

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3a) Reproduction Part 6

Male reproductive system

  • Urethra - a tube which carries urine and sperm to exit the body.
  • Erectile Tissue - Swells when filled with blood to make the penis erect.
  • Testis - Where the sperm is made.
  • Glands - Produce the liquid added to sperm.
  • Sperm Duct - Tube that carries sperm from the testis towards the urethra.

Female Reproductive System

  • Fallopian Tube - A tube that carries the ovum from the ovary to the uterus.
  • Uterus - The organ where an embryo grows.
  • Vagina - Where the sperm is deposited.
  • Cervix - the neck of the uterus.
  • Endometrium - has a good blood supply for implantation of an embryo.
  • Ovary - the organ that produces ova and sex hormones.
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3a) Reproduction Part 7

Image result for oestrogen and progesterone diagram

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3a) Reproduction Part 8

Once the embryo has implanted the placenta develops - this lets the blood of the embryo and blood of the mother get very close allowing an exchange of food, oxygen and waste.

The amnion membrane forms - this surrounds the embryo and is full of amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid protects the embryo against knocks and bumps.

Sexual Characteristics at puberty

Men - Hair on body and face, muscles, penis and testicles enlarge. Sperm production. Deepening of voice.

Woman - Hair on underarms and pubic area. Hips widen. Development of breasts. Ovum release and the start of periods.

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