Religious Education Topic One GCSE

Notes about topic one "Love and Relationships"


What Is Love?

The word 'love' is used in various different ways in out society, for example a person could love friends and family, their country or their partner. In the new testement the word 'love' is used in several ways. As love in a sense of loving family and friends, love of their country (patrriotism) and the term for sexual love is eros.

In all aspects of daily life people interact with each other in different ways and at different levels. All religions have framework of religious beleifs and teachings about human relationships.

Sacred Texts about love.

"Do  not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the lord." - Leviticus 19.18

"Through love and devotion mayst thou be known" - Guru Granth Sahib, Adi Granth.

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Sikh and Jewish Views On Familly

In the religion of Sikhism, family relationships are particulary important. Family life is the basis of human society and a marraige brings together two famillies.

In british society the small neuclear familly has become one of the most common social unit. In sikh famillies the large extended family is regarded as the traditional family unit. In Judaism the role of the family is crucial in developing religious faith; for example, famillies celebrate festivals together or as part of a synagogue community.

Sacred Texts About Love

"Love is Patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves" - 1 Corinthians 13.4-7

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What commitments do we have to others?

Commitment is a key concept. It means a sense of dedecation and obligation to someone or something, Most students will have sne commitments in their day-to-day lives- even something simple like attending school or doing homework.

Religious believers can show commitment in a number of ways. They may belong to a religious community that worships and prays together. Regular prayer, pregaps daily, may strengthen their religious belief. Celebrating the festivals of the religion allows believers to learn more about their religion, as does reading sacred texts. Living in a way that follows the moral guidelines of their faith is one way to demonstrate commitment.

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What commitment do Jews, Christians and Sikhs have

Some christians read the bible everyday. This may help strengthen their faith and deepen their knowledge of this sacred text. The bible is used to worship in church and a commited christian would want to find out more abou God's relationship with human kind, so personally reading the bible is very important. It will help a Christian to live a good life.

When young Jews are ready to take on a responsibilty and commitment of living the Jewish faith, they make a public statement - a Bar Mitzvah for boys and a Bat Mitzvah for girls. This public statement shows they are ready to accept the Jewish commandments.

Sikhs have a strong commitment to community and equality. The Gurdwara, the sikh place of worship, is where they are able to make a practical demonstration of their faith though longar- the sharing of free vegitairian food with everyone, regardless of their religious belief.

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What responsibilities do we have towards each othe

Responstibility is a key concept. It means actions that we are expected to carry out. For all religious believers there has to be a sense of responsibility in how we live with other people. How we live within relatioships is important.

The ten commandments in the book of Exodus set out a code of behavior for all human society. It is interesting to not that the religions of Christianity, Judaism, Sikhism would all accept the ten commandments as a basis for human life. These 'rules' about human behavior are really guidelines as to how people should live there lives; these 'guidelines' are found in commandments five to ten.

Sacred Texts About Responsibility

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it - Proverbs 22:6

The word of god is true and true are those who speak of god. Those ears are true and true are those who listen to the lords praises. - Guru Granth Sahib, Guru Arjan

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What is importance of the fifth commandment?

Look at your modern thoughts about the fifth commandment (Respect your parents). It is really about family life. Human society is based on the special nature of family life a mutual respect with in the family. Each person had different roles and responsibilities. Within the terms of the commandments, parents have a responsibility to their children. The care involves mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of any child. Christians, Jews and Sikhs would all regard it as their duty and an important responsibility, to give their children a religious up bringing.

Sacred Texts

My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of god. For the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth came knowledge and understanding. - Proverbs 2:1-6

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What is the role and purpose of sex?

Within adult relationships all religions regard sexual relationships as an important part of being human. Sex is a natural part of life and allows for two people to become intimate. Sex is part of gods creation. It is essential for reproduction and the continuation of the human race..

For religious believers, sex is a special part of being human and should only be shared between two people who have a commitment to one another. A sexual relationship brings two people together in a special way. It is a physical expression of love. As sex is part of gods creation it is essentially a good thing in the right situation.

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Christian, Jewish and Sikh views on contraception.

Christianity: Roman Catholics oppose all artificial methods of contraception, but the rhythm method, which is a natural form and acceptable. Protestants accept all methods of contraception.

Judaism: Contraception is generally accepted. Some Jews prefer the rhythm method as a natural form of family planning. Others prefer oral contraception as the mans sperm is not destroyed, any barrier method is not accepted as they believe they diminish the sexual pleasure of a couple.

Sikhism: Sikhs do not oppose any kind of birth control.

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Why do people choose contraception?

- A couple are not yet wanting to start a familly.

-They physical and meta; health of a mother.

-Not wanting to increase the size of the family 

-Being able to support their children financially

-Not wanting to add to the human population. 

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What do religions think about Promiscuity, Cohabit

Christians, Jews and Sikhs all believe that these life styles are wrong. In the Torah and the Bible the teaching is clear: commandment seven forbids adultery. Sikhs believe there is a spiritual connection between a man and a woman within marriage, and both promiscuity and adultery would undermine this belief.

Promiscuity - When you have casual sexual relationships.

Cohabitation - When a couple live together before marriage.

Adultery - When you have sex with someone other than a partner you are married to.

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Is marriage out of date?

Contemporary society is changing and rather than marry many people chose to cohabit. Couples who cohabit might argue that there commitment is just as strong as if they were to marry.

Some couples who cohabit may never marry, but others may eventually get married, especially if they want a family. They may decide on a religious or secular wedding ceremony.

Those who choose to never marry bay do so to avoid the expense of a wedding or the legal problems of getting divorced. Some couples are same sex - although these days they can have civil partnerships which makes there relationship legally binding.

Some Christians feel it is acceptable to cohabit as part of a committed relationship whilst others feel that chastity before marriage itself is essential. But, although cohabitation is more socially acceptable these days, religious believers such as Jews and Sikhs do not believe it is right to cohabit before marriage. And many believe that both cohabitation and divorce means that marriage is no longer seen as special and for life. 

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How important is family?

Some people would argue strongly that the family is the basic building block of society and the place where people learn about relationships. There is no real alternative to the family. No one has come up with a practical alternative to this way of living.

Within the family itself children and adults have different roles and responsibilities, and these are learned and taught within the family. Parents for example, are role models for their children, both as adults and as men and women.

Families are not just social units they are economic units too, parents support their children financially until the child becomes a young adults and are able to care for themselves. An extended family provides a network of people who offer support to one another. 

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Is it necessary to marry in a place of worship?

For Christians marriage in a church is an expression of the love the couple have for each other- a mix of agape, eros and philia. In a secular wedding ceremony only solemn promises are made. Both forms of marriage are about  a public demonstration of commitment and a sense of dedication and obligation to someone or something.

When people marry, and sometimes even if they don't, they tend to make promises to each other. In religious terms, these are known as solemn vows, which are made in the presence of god- and therefore usually in a place of worship.

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What happens at a Jewish ceremony?

-Before the wedding the bride will visit the mikveh. This is an immersion pool that is used for purity and ritual cleanliness.

-On the day of the wedding the couple will fast for gods forgiveness.

-The wedding ceremony can take place in a synagogue or outside, but the couple must always be under a canopy with four poles. This shows how they will build a home together.

-The ceremony begins with two blessings over a cup of wine.

-The couple will then drink out of the same wine glass to show unity.

-The groom places a ring on the brides finger to show he will always care for her.

-Then there are readings from the ketuba

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What happens at a Sikh ceremony?

-Sikh wedding userally take place in the morning.

-Many sikh weddings are assisted marriages 

-The ceremony can take place in the Gurdwara or a large hall but must always be in front of the Guru Granth Sahib.

-The ceremony begins with the musicians singing a hymn

-The bride enters the room and stands on the left-hand side in front of the Guru Granth Sahib. Men and women sit separately. 

-The couple are symbolically tied together with the grooms scarf

-Four verses of the lavan are read out and sung as the couple walk around the Guru Granth Sahib. The groom leads the bride.

-After this there is a reading from the Guru Granth Sahib

-Finally everyone shared in karah prashad.

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Christian Vows

To Have And To Hold Marriage is the union of the couple

From This Day Forward Married this day onwards

For Better For Worse Married though the good and bad times

For Richer For Poorer Married regardless of money or status

In Sickness And Health Married regardless of health

To Love And To Cherish Love is essential part of this relationship

Till Death Do Us Part Marriage is for life

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Why do some marriages succeed and others fail?

Conflict is a key concept, it refers to the stress and strains that take place within human relationships. The reasons some marriages succeed and others fail are often very complex. Christians understand that there is conflict is in any human relationship. Human beings are not perfect, and conflict is a part of the human make up. Reconciliation is another key concept. It means that people are able to say sorry and make up after an argument.  

However, when reconciliation is not possible between a married couple, there is a possibility of a separation or even a divorce. This is particularly painful when children are involved and decisions need to be made about which parent a child goes to live with. 

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Complex Ideas In Separation And Divorce - Christia

There is no single Christian viewpoint on these issues and it is important to understand this. In making decisions about lifestyle, Christians may use a variety of sources for guidance. They will want to consider first the example or teaching of Jesus contained in the Gospels.

In looking at the teachings of Jesus and Saint Paul some Christians will argue that teachings may need to change because of the changes in modern society. This is part of a debate between the liberal and traditional viewpoints. Much of this debate is about how Christians interpret religious beliefs and teachings and how to apply them in life today. Some Christians will argue that contemporary or modern society is very different from the society that Jesus lived in. The acceptance of divorce by some Christian churches changes the view that marriage is for life.

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The Roman Catholic Viewpoint

-It is acceptable to some Christians, such as Roman Catholics, if a couple separate and live apart.

-It is not possible to remarry without a divorce, so a couple who will not be able to remarry.

-The roman catholic church doesn't accept divorce. 

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The Jewish And Sikh Viewpoint

-In both Judaism separation and divorce is allowed.

-Marriage is a voluntary agreement between a man and a woman, so if the marriage fails a separation or divorce allows a couple to part.

-It is not usual for Sikhs to remarry if they divorce.

Sacred Texts

Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits an adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery. - Luke 19:18

Suppose a woman was divorced by her first husband because he found something disgraceful about her. He wrote out divorce papers, gave them to her and sent her away.- Deuteronomy 24:1

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Should people be allowed to remarry?

When people marry for the first time, they may genuinely believe their marriage will last forever. If their marriage does not last forever, those people may not want to be alone and may therefore seek a new relationship. On some occasions, this relationship may be so serious that remarriage is considered.

Remarriage gives people the chance to find happiness in a new relationship, because most humans beings like living in social groups, many of them want to share there life with someone and feel happy in a relationship.

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Should remarriage be allowed in a religious place

Roman Catholics: May not remarry in a Roman Catholic Church because divorce is not reconised. There is an issue that the vow 'death do us part' had been broken. Also, the priest says:'what god had joined together let no man put asunder' These suggest marriage should be for life.

Judaism: Divorce is very serious and should be a last resort, however Jews accept remarriage. A woman has to wait 90 days after divorce to remarry.

Sikhism: Again divorce is very serious an a last resort, they do accept remarriage so remarriage in the Gurdwara is permitted. 

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What is the secular viewpoint?

It is important to know that marriage in the UK has two points, in a church service it is a religious ceremony, a rite of passage and part of the christian tradition. As well as marriage is also an event marked by the state, so a registrar  must complete a wedding certificate to show that the couple are legally married. Therefore a wedding certificate is not just a religious statement of marriage, it is a legal document too.

As far as the state is concerned, any divorcee may remarry in a registry office or designated place as long as the divorcee is legally separated from the previous partner. There is no limit to the amount of times someone can remarry and divorce so long as it happens in a designated place.

The issue for religious believers is that remarriage in a place of worship may harm the sacred nature of a marriage ceremony and undermine the sanctity of marriage. There is also concern that the divorce undermines family life, particularly when children are involved.

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Should same sex marriages be allowed in a place of

Same-sex relationships and same-sex civil partnerships are complicated issues. Although people in same-sex relationships  today may have a civil ceremony, it is not possible to have either a church blessing or church marriage. The traditional teaching of the christian church is that marriage was ordained by god for one woman and one man to be joined together.

However, as same sex relationships are now reconised by the state, there is pressure on the various christian churches to debate this issue. Part of the debate is to focus on how Christians deal with changing society.

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How does the traditional view exclude same-sex mar

In the christian tradition, marriage is regarded as the joining together of a man and a woman in church. It is a gift from God and there is the belief that sex should only take place within marriage.

Many people believe that marriage is the basis for having children, and the vows exchanged in church are practical guideline as to how marriage should work. It is important for Christians that marriage is blessed in the eyes of God.

Therefore the traditional view is that same-sex marriages are wrong.

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What is the liberal view?

Some Christians believe that Christian teachings need to adapt and, if necessary change for the different society Christianity now finds it's self in.

Some think that, as Christianity is based on compassion and love for others, all people who want to marry in church should have to opportunity to do so. The compromise for same-sex relationships would be for the couple to have a blessing in church, as it is sometimes offered to divorcee's. 

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What does general society think?

IN a secular society many people appear to have no religious views about the wedding ceremony or marriage it's self. The divorce rate remains high in Britain and cohabitation is now common. Children may be born outside of marriage and, on occasions , same-sex couples raise there own families. It would seen that views on same-sex relationships appear to be changing.

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What do Jews and Sikhs think?

Some conservative Jews do not support the idea of same sex marriage, but other more liberal Jews prefer to leave the decision to the rabbis.

Sikhs have no written review on same sex relationships. That said, Sikhs generally believe in having large families, supported by a mother and father.

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Georgia Sowden



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