Religious Studies - unit 3


3.1.1 Catholic upbringing

1) Parents teaching their children how to pray. This can lead in belief in God because, this encourages children to trust and form a relationship with God

2) Going to a Catholic school. This can lead to belief in God because, they get to familarise themselve with faith for example: prayer before classes.

3) Recieving the sacrament for example confirmation. This can lead to belief in God because, it shows your devotion to the religion becaue, confirmation makes you a full adult member of the church.

4) Parents taking their children to church. This can lead to belief in God because, children will see many other people worshipping so, they could be influenced.

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3.1.2 How religious experiences can lead to belief

1) Miracles can lead to belief in God because, it makes you believe that God is really there - due to the fact natrual law has been broken.For example Mary appearing to St Bernadette in Lourdes can only be explained by God

2) Numious experiences can lead to belief in God because, you experience God's presence and it cannot be ignored

3) Conversion can make you belief in God beacsue, they feel God trying to call them to do soemething special for instance: such as St Paul who was a strict Jew converted to Christianality

4) Prayers answered such as an ill relative becoming better. This can lead to belief in God because, you believe God listened to your prayers and answered it.

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3.1.3 The design argument

Explain why the design argument leads to belief in God.

The design argument leads to belief in God because:

1) Only an all powerful God could create such a beautiful world for instance:the oceans

2) The book of Genesis says that God created the world in 6 days. This leads to believe in God as no person of mankind is as omnipotent and omniscient, as God is to creat the world in 6 day.

3) Anything that has been deisgned needs a designer. For example: Paley said a watch needs a watchmakers therefore, the universe alo needs a maker and that maker is God.

4) Laws of science shows evidence of design such as: grvaity. This leads to belief in God because, the only thing that could design something so complex must be God

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3.1.3 The design argument (2)

Many people think the design argument does not lead to belief in God because:

1) There is evidence of lack of design in universe for instance: volcanos. If God really was omnipotent he would have the power to correct it

2)  All the evidence of design can be explained by science without reference from God

3) The argument proves that the universe has a designer but why does it have to top at God?

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3.1.4 The argument of causation

Argument of casuation leads to belief in God because:

1) The complexity and order of the universe requires the cause to be omnipotent or omniscient. This can lead to belief in God as God is the basic defintion of omnipotent and omniscient

2) The chain of cause and effects suggests everything has a first cause. This can lead in belief in God because, the only possible and logical cause is God

3) Everthing has to come from something, nothing can cause its own existence therefore God is the cause.

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3.1.4 The argument of causation (2)

Some people mat think the argument of causation does not prove that God exists because:

1) If everything needs a cause, then who caused God?

2) Science can prove the cause of everything without reference to God

3) Matter is eternal so the process of the causes, goes on forever

4) Even if there was a first cause it does not have to be God

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3.1.5 Scientific explainations

Explain why the scientifc explainations of the world leasds some people to be agnosticism and athesists:

1) Matter is eternal, it cannot be destroyed or created it can only be changed. 

2) The red drift effect shows that the univere is still expanding

3) Fossils records show that life developed from simple life forms to complex forms 

4) If God existed he would be the only explaination

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3.1.6 How Catholics respond to scientific explanat


1) Only God could have created the Big Bang Theory at exactly the right microsecond to form the universe.

2) Only God could have made laws such as gravity which the matter of the Big bang needed to form solar systems. Only God could have made these laws

3) Only God could have made the gases on earth react in such a way, it couldn't have happened by chance.

4) Catholics bellieve when God said 'Let their be light' it was a direct reference to the Big Bang

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3.1.7 Unanswered prayers

Unanswered prayers may lead some people  to become athesists because:

1) If they don't feel God's presence when they pray, they might think they are wasting their time

2) If people pray for good things for example an ill relative to get well but its not anwered they may questio God's existance 

3) If they live good Catholic lives and pray to God to cure their child but the child dies. They can lose faith in God.

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3.1.7 How do Catholics respond to unanswered praye

1) The Catechism teaches that we shouldnt be troubed if we dont get a response from God, he has something better and greater for us

2) God cannot answer selfish prayers for example: let me pass my maths test if you did not revise for it.

3) God is in control he is omniscient therefore, he knows what will happen in the foreseeable furture. Therefore, we shouldn't question his existance

4) It might be a test, to test whether you actually trust in him

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3.1.9 Evil and suffering

Evil and suffering may lead to agnostism or atheism because:

1) If God is omnipotent he must have the power to be able to remove and stop evil and suffering from the world. (For example: the Holocaust, why couldn't he have given Hitler a heart attack)

2 If God is omnibenevolent he must want to remove evil and suffering because, they cause nothing but unhappiness.

3) As there is evil in the world, either God is not omnipotent or omnibenevolent or God doesnt exist at all.

4) The existence of evil and suffering challenges their beliefs about God, and as these beliefs come from the Bible, it challenges the whole religion

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3.1.10 How Catholics respond to evil and suffering

Catholics respond to evil and suffering by:

1) Following Jesus' example and pray for thosse who suffer. Catholics believe that prayer is a powerful way of dealing with a problem

2) Helping those who suffer those with caring profession such as doctors, nurses. So they can reduce the amount of suffering.

3) Becoming involved in charities such as CAFOD and the SVP by donating money. Which then go and help those suffering.

4) According, to Genesis God created people in his own image, which means he created them with free will. By giving humans free will, God has created a world where evil and suffering will happen because, humans misuse their free will. Therefore it is not God's fault

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3.2.1 Why Catholics believe in life after death

Catholics believe in life after death because:

1) St Paul taught that people will have a resurrection like Jesus who rose from the dead and willl have a spiritual resurrection body fiven to them by God.

2) In the Apostles Creed we say 'I believe in...the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting' we proclaim that there will be life after death.

3) The main Catholic bellief is that Jesus rose from the dead. All four gospels record that Jesus was crucified and then placed in the tomb where on Easter Sunday he rosse from the dead.Cearly, if Jesus rose the dead there is clearly life after death.

4) Most Catholic believe in the immorality of the soul, the belief that the soul lives on after the death of the body

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3.2.2 How life after death effects Catholics

1) Many Catholic believe that they wil be judged by God according to how they lived. This means that Catholics will try and live a good Catholic life. So they can go to heaven

2) Trying to love your neighbour, for example in the Parable of the heep and Goat Jesus taught that only thoe who helped will be allowed to go to heaven

3) Catholics believe that sin prevents people from going to Heaven. The Catechism teaches that those who die with unforgiven sins will go to purgatory to be purifed

4) Many Catholics believe life after death gives their life a meaning a purpose.

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3.2.3 Why some people don't believe in life after

Some people do not believe in life after detah because:

1) There is no physical proof that life after death exists. Space exploration has shown there is no heaven above the ssky

2) Some people have been brought up not to believe in God because, their parents weren't religious 

3) Evidence of life after death is based on Holy Books and there is no way for non-believers to decide which book should be followed

4) Different religion have different ideas about life after death. If life after death was true wouldn't all religions have the same teaching on it

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3.2.4 Abortion : controversy

Why is abortion a controversial issue?

Abortion is a controversial issue because:

1) Roman Catholics believe that life begins at conception therefore, by taking a life you ar ecommiting murder

2) People believe that the unborns baby's right is equivalent to the mothers rights

3) Some medical staff believe that they should be made to act against their conscience, while others believe it is just a medical procedure 

4) Many non-religious people believe a women should have the right to do what she wants to do with her body

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3.2.5 Abortion : different Christian attitudes


1) Catholics believe that: all direct abortion is wrong whatever the circumstances therefore should never be premitted. They believe this because, the Ten Commandment says "You shall not kill" by taking a life you are commiting muder because, Roman Catholics believe life begings at conception.

2) Catholics believe in the Sancity of Life, the belief that life is holy and belongs to God. Therefore only God has the right to end the pregancy. By doing so you are putting yourself on par with God, which is condemned.

Liberal Protestants

1) Liberal protestsants believe abortion is wrong but must be allowed in certain circumstances for example ****. They believe this because, abortion may be the loving thing to do.

2) Liberal protestants do not believe life starts at conception therefore, you are not taking away a life

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3.2.6 Euthanasia : controversy

Many people want euthanasia to be illegal because:

1) A doctors job is to save lives not killl, people sstart to lose trust in doctors

2)  There is likely to be doubt if someone really wants. If money is involved relatives might reuqet it, o they can gain wealth from the will

3) People might change their mind, but then it would be too late

Many people want euthanasia to be legal because:

1) Euthansia is already legal if doctors are allowed to switch off life support machines 

2) A person should be allowed  to make their ownn decisions, God gave us free will to make our own choices

3) It allows a person a person to die with dignity 

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3.2.7 Euthanasia : different Christian attitudes

Strict Catholics believe:

1) In the Sancity of Life, life is created by God and therefore belongs to God. It is not up to humans to take a life but God. By taking a life you are putting yourself on par with God

2) That any form of euthanasia is wrong and that it is a form of murder and murder is forbidden in the Ten Commandment

3)  They believe it is up to the medical experts to determine if a perosn has died. If a doctor says someone is brain dead, then switcing off the machine is not euthanasia because, they already died

Some Christians:

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3.2.8 Media and matters of life and death

The media should not be free to criticise what religios say about these issues because:

1) They stir up religious hatred for example: abortion can stir up religious hatred

2) They might be offensive to religious believers for example: a Danish newspaper published a drawing of the Prophet Muhammed. Which Muslims believe should not be pictured

3) God is beyond critcism because, many religious believers say their attitude is based on their religion. Therefore, it should not be critcised because, God is beyond critcism

The media should be free to criticise what religios say about these issues because:

1) Popper believes freedom of expression is a method of progress therefore, all ideas should be subjected to critcism for there to be progress

2) Religious groups critcises the goverment, so they should be prpeared to be critcised too

3) The media is a key part of a democracy 

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3.2.10 What causes poverty?

1) Natrual disasters such as an earthquake causes poverty because,iit destroys thousands of homes and farmland. Therefore, lose their crop supply which is the main income for LEDC.

2) Debt can cause poverty because, LEDC have to borrow money from the banks of MEDC which also, charges interest. So LEDC may find it hard to pay it all back

3) Wars such as the civil war in Syria causes poverty because, wars destroy crops and homes. Which makes people migrate to other countires.

4) Unfair trade causes poverty because, farmers are not paid a fair price because the MEDC pay them less

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3.2.11 CAFOD ending poverty

How CAFOD is trying to end poverty ?

1) Development programmes for eample in Bangladesh often wipe out farmers crops. So CAFOD is helping by setting up saving schemes to assist them when crops fail

2) Raising awareness by going to local parishes and talking about it

3) They have an emergancy fund, which allows them to help countries in case of a natrual disater  

Why CAFOD is trying to end poverty ? 

1) In the New Testament it teaches the riches should help the poor. Catholics wants to help the poor just as Jesus did    

2) In the Parable of the Sheep & Goat, Jesus says those who help wil be rewarded in heaven and those who chose not to help will be punished                                                                 

3) St Paul taught that we are all part of one body, if one part suffers all the other pparts suffer with it. Therefore, we need to support those who are suffering                                                

4) The Catholic Church teaches that we have a duty to help the poor. The importance is presented when Pope Benedicts first encynical was about helping to end poverty

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3.4.1 Changing roles of men and women (how)

How attitude have changed:

1) Traditionally women were not allowed to vote until the Electrol Act in1928. This changed attitudes because, it gave women the right to vote, now women had a voice.

2) Equal right in employment for example: equal pay didn't happen until the Equal Pay Act in 1970. This changed attitudes because, now employers paid women the same pay as men.

3) Men are allowed to have paternity leave. This is different because, traditionally men just went to work, while the women stayed back for maternity leave.

4) Women having the right to keep their own property. This changed attitudes because, traditionally the man would automatically get the properties but now, women now have the right to keep it

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3.4.1 Changing roles of men and women (why)

Why attitude have changed:

1) During the second world war women had to take on many jobs done by men such as factory work because, men were required to fight. This changed attitudes towards women because, it proved women coud do the work just as welll

2) Suffergette movement done to gain equal and political right for women. This changed attitudes towards women because, they were no longer prpared to be 2nd clased citizens

3) New Zeland being the 1st country giving women political right. This changed attititudes towards women because, it showed that giving women political rights was just as giving a man political rights

4) The Labour goverments from 1964-1970 and from 1973-1979 were dedicaated to human ruights campaign, dedicatiion shown be introducing the equal pay act. This changed attitudes towards women because, now women could earn the same amount men earn

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3.4.2 Equal right for women in religion

Catholics (both)

1) The Catechism says that only men can be priests because, the apostles were all men, and priest and bishops are the sucessors of the apostles.

2) Jesus was a man and the priest represents Jesus at the mass

3) Support equal rigthts for women because, the Catechism teaches that men and women are equal. Therefore, Catholics should follow these teachings.


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3.4.2 Equal right for women in religion (2)

Traditional protestants (don't support) 

1) From the begining it has been the tradition of the Church that only men should have leadership rights in the church 

2) In the New Testament according to St Paul, teaches that women should not speak or teach in the Church. Which they believe is the final word from God.

Liberal Protestants (Support)

1) In the Creation story in the book of Genesis it states that God createed women and men at the same time and of equal status because, we are made in his image

2) Evidence from the gospel thats shows Jesus treated women equally. For example: he had women discples who stayed with him when he was carrying the cross however, the men ran away

3) Jesus first appeared to women after the ressurection

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3.4.3 The UK as a multi-ethnic society

The problem with discrimination and racisim is that:

1) Racially prejudiced employers will not give certain jobs to certain people based on their ethnicity and religion. 

2) Prejudice landlords, can refuse to offer accomadation to certain ethnic groups

3) Prejudice police officers, can potentially discrimnate against a certain ethnic group by for example: searching them if they have no real reason to

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3.4.3 The UK as a multi-ethnic society (2)

The effects of discrimination and racism

1) It can lead to the rise of groups like the British National Party. This causes a problem because, it stirs up hatred for ethnic groups

2) Polticians think black people can turn to crime because, they are not able to get a well paid job because, of their ethnicity. This causs a problem because, there will be a rise in crime

3) Certain ethnic groups feeling like they are being treated unfairly and will begin to feel isolated. This causes a probelm, because, they wont be racial harmony

4) Young people turning to extremeist groups. This causes a problem because, it causes terror

The benefits of lving in a multi-ethnic society

1) There is less likely to be a war beacuse, people know different ethnic groups and nationalities

2) Life is more interesting with cultural dishes from other countries for example: curry

3) Makes people less ignorant to other ethnic groups, instead welcoming

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3.4.5 Racial harmony

Why Catholics should promote racial harmony?

Catholics should try and promote racial harmony because:

1) St Paul wrote a letter teaching Christians that God loves us equally and there is no difference we are all part of one body. If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it (reference to St Paul)

2) The Bible teaches us that God created humans in his image therefore, we are all equal. God requires his followers to act justly and seek justice for everyone, by doing this you are following God's will

3) Jesus said those who didn't help the needy as shown in the Good Samaritan would be judged on according to how they lived and treated other. So if you treat others as you would like to be treated, you will be reward

4) St Peter had a vision saying that he shouldn't discriminate because, God has no favourites among the races

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3.4.6 Asylum seekers and immigrant workers (how)

Explain how Catholics should help immigrant workers and asylum seekers

The Catholic Church helps asylum seekers and immigrant workers by:

1) Parishes setting up masses in languages other than English. So that they can maintain their faith 

2) Helping migrants who are in need of translaters so, by appointing lawyers with appropiate language skills to help the asylum seekers with the legal issues

3) Holding an annual Migrant mass in Westminster Cathedral, shows the Catholic Church is suportive towards them

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3.4.6 Asylum seekers and immigrant workers (why)

Explain why Catholics should help asylum seekers or immigrant workers

Catholics should help because:

1) The Bible teaches that God is a God of Justice therefore, his followers should follow his example and seek justice for their neighbours.

2) The Golden Rule teaches that service to others is the way to treat others. Which is what God wants, he wants everyone to be happy

3) Throughout Jesus' life served others - he came "Not to be served but to serve others" so Catholics should follow his example

4) The Catholic Church teaches that no one should be opressed, therefore we have a duty to seek justice for the opressed

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3.4.7 The UK as a multi-faith society

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3.4.7 The UK as a multi-faith society (2)

The benefits of living in a multi-faith society are:

1) Opportunities to learn and understand about other peoples faith, leading to repsect of each others religion

2) Religious tolerance and understanding between people in a multi-faith society and this may help stop religious conflicts such as the one in Ireland between Protestants and Catholics

3) People may come to understand why different religions believe what they do and this might make people think more seriously about their religion

4) People from different religions may practise their religion more serious for example: Muslims pray up to 5 times a day. So it might encourage people to think aboiut how they practise their own religion

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3.4.8 Christian attitudes to other religions (1)

Liberal Christians

They believe that we can discover God in different ways. Faithful followers from other religions will be saved and can go to heaven. All religions are equal

Their attitude is PLURAISM

They have this attitude because:

1) They do not believe the Bible is the word of God

2) They see Muslims, Hindu's, Jews and other religions living good and holy lives 

3) They believe that there is room for other religions in heaven because, Jesus said "there are many rooms in my Fathers house"

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3.4.8 Christian attitudes to other religions (2)

Evangelical Christians

They believe that only those who follow Jesus Christ will go to heaven, they believe we must convert them.

Their attitude is EXCLUSIVISM 

They have this attitude because:

1) Jesus said that he was the way to the Father, therefore only Christians can go to heaven

2)  They believe the final words of Jesus was "Therefore go and make discples of all nations" meaning that they should convert everyone

3) They believe that the Commandment for people to love thy neighbour, converting them is the most loving thing they can do.

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3.4.8 Christian attitudes to other religions (3)

Catholic Christians

They believe that all religions should be respected and that we are all searching for the truth but Christianity has the whole truth.

Their attitude is INCLUSIVISM

They have this attitude because:

1) The Bible teaches that the true nature of God is shown through Jesus

2) The Bible teaches that salvation comes through Jesus. Only Christians are ensured salvation whereas, other religions are only guranteed ensured eternal life

3) It is the teaching of the the Church in the Catechism

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3.4.9 Multi-faith society (religion)


Many religions see it as their right, and even their duty to convert everyone is right because:

1) They believe that their religion is the only true religion and all other religions are mistaken

2) They believe that everyone should go to heaven and the only way is to be converted

3) Their Holy Books teach them that they should convert non-believers 

Trying to convert other religion in a multi-faith society can cause problems because:

1) Trying to convert people when living in a multi-faith society is a type of prejudice and discrmination

2) Many people say it is impossible to regard all other religions wrong unless you have studied them and compared them

3) It can lead to violence and argument, if people are told their religion is wrong

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3.4.9 Multi-faith society (religion) (2)

Bringing up children

Allowing children to have religious freedom causes problem because:

1) Most religions encourage parents, to ensure that their children are brought in the faith and becomes memebers of it. This causes a problem because, it can make parents not want to allow their childen to learn about other faiths

2) Most religions teach that only those who follow their religion will have a good life after death. This causes a problem because, parents may worry that unless they stay in the religion they wont be able to see them 

3) Social and peer presssure parents can extert pressure on their children to remain in the faith to preserve family tradition

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3.4.9 Multi-faith society (religion) (3)

Interfaith marriages

Marrying someone from another religion can cause problems because:

1) Often they can be no religious wedding ceremony because. both couples must be members of the same religion, for a religious wedding ceremony to be allowed

2) What will happen in the case of a death? Where will they be buried?

3) Feelings of betrayal from family members

4) How will they bring up the children?

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3.4.10 How Christians promote community cohesion

Religions are working for community cohesion in the UK by:

1) Working to discover what is similar about religions

2) Helping with interfaith marriages for example: Protestant churches have developed special wedding services 

3) Making sure the children learn about the different faiths

4) Joining local and national groups promoting community cohesion

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3.3.1 Changing attitudes to: marriages & cohabitat

Why attitudes have changed:

1) Christianity has lost its influence because, fewer people are going to church therefore,weren't encouraged to refrain from sex

2) The increase in the availabilty of effective cotraception, has made it easier to have sex without getting pregnant

3) More celebrities lived together before marriage making it seem more acceptable

4)The media showed relationships and sex outside marriage,has led people to think that outside of marriage as normal and acceptable

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3.3.1 Changing attitudes to: divorce

Reasons for changes (why)

1) In 1969, new laws made divorce much easier and cheaper to obtain. Which has led to the increase of divorces

2) Expectations on how marriage should be like have changed. Increase in equality for women means that women, are no longer prepared to accept unequal treatment form men. 

3) Before the equal rights legalisation women were dependent on their husbands fiancially but now, women are finacially dependent and can afford to live after divorce

4) People live longer, so to commit themselves to one person for the rest of their lives does not seem achievable or desirable.

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3.3.1 Changing attitudes to: family life

Reasons for changes (why)

1) The increase in the cohabitating couples, means that there are now many more families where the parents aren't married 

2) The increase in divorces, has led to an increase in re-marriages. This means there are more re-constituated families 

3) Extended family is becoming more popular as  mor eothers ar ein paid employment therefore, close rlatives look after the children

4) The increase in the number of divorces and the aceptance of unmarried mothers, had led to the increase of single mothers 

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3.3.1 Changing attitudes to: homosexuality

Reasons for changes (why)

1) The change in laws has made it easier to be homosexual and made society more acceptable

2) Medical research has shown that homosexuality is most probably genetic.

3) Increased openness of gay celebrities has increased acceptance of homosexuality

4) The work of organisations such as Stonewall has changed attitudes and led to accpeptance of equal rights for homosexuals

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3.3.1 How attitudes have changed to marriage etc

How have attitudes changed

1) Most people have sex before they are married

2) The average age for marriage has increased (for women to 29 yrs old)

3) Cohabitation is accepted and most couples live together before marriage

4) Homosexuality has become more acceptable in society and is no longer a crime

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3.3.2 Christian attitudes to sex outside of marria


1) Christianity teaches that sex was given to humans by God for the pleasure and bond of a married couple and for the procreation of children, who are expected to be brought up the faith

2) The Bible says that fornication is sinful and Christians should follow the teachings of the Bible

3) The Catechism tecahes that pre-martial sex is wrong. Which Ctaholics are encouraged to follow

4) All Christians are against adultery because, it breaks the mariage vows to stay faithful. It is condemned by Jesus in the Gospels, and it breaks one of the Ten Commandments.


1) The Church of England says that as Christians, we need to accept modern life. Couples may live together before marriage, but are expected to marry when starting a family.


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3.3.3 The purpose of marriage to Catholics

The purpose of marriage is shown: 

1) During the exchange of vows the couple commit themselves to supporting and comforting each other

2) During the exchange of rings symbolises the unending nature of marriage

3) During the ceremony the couple agree they will accept children lovingly from God

4) During the ceremony the couple agree to bring up their children as members of the Church 

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3.3.4 Christian attitudes to divorce (

Catholics believe:

1) Jesus taught that divorce is wrong in Mark's Gospel and Christians are expected to nfollow Jesus' teachings 

2) The couple have made a covenant with God in the scarament of marriage and that covenant cannot be broken by any earthly power

3) As there can be no religious divorce, there can be no remarriage because, that would be the same as bigamy and adultery which are both seirous sins

4) The Catechism teaches that a marriage cannot be dissolved and so religious divorce is impossible. 

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3.3.4 Christian attitudes to divorce (non-Catholi

Non Catholics allow divorces because:

1) Jesus allowed a divore in Matthew's gospel for a partners adultery, therefore Jeus showed that divorce can happen if the reasons are in extreme circumstances 

2) Christians are allowed forgivness and a new chance if they confess their sins and are truly repentent 

3) Divorce can be the lesser of two evils which means that sometimes it would be more wrong for the couple to stay together.

4) It is better to divorce than to live in hatred and argue all the time which would not only effect each of the couple, but also their children.

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3.3.5 Why family life is important for Catholics

Family life is important to Crtholics because:

1) One of the main purposes of a Catholic marriage is to, have children and to bring them up in the faith

2) Catechism tecahes that the family was created by God, as the basic unit of societ. Therefore, without family society would collaspe.

3) Children are expected to care for their elderly parents which is the teaching of Jesus and it is based on the fourth Commandment.

4) The family is where children can learn from whats right and wrong, so without the family there would be more evil int he world 

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3.3.6 How does the Catholic Church support familie

Parishes help to the upbringing of children by:

1) Support local school, by providing Catholic education and worship. This education helps parents because, it teaches their children right from wrong.

2) Children liturgies, help children understand the church and the mass. This helps because, it helps bring the children up as good Catholics and gives them spirital strength

3) Prepartion classes, help to prepare children for the scaraments for example: Holy Communion. This helps upbringing because, it brings the children into the Church

4) Running youth clubs, to keep children ofd the streets and bad influence. This helps bring up the children as good Catholics

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3.3.7 How Catholic parishes keep families together

The Catholic parishes help to keep families together by:

1) Reminding parents during mass, of the vows made during their marriage ceremont and other reasons not to divorce

2) Having the parish priest being avaliable to give and help advise couples who are having fmaily problems

3) Providing packages such as 'Everybody's Welcome', help parishes explore new ways to become more fmaily friendly, so they can help families

4) Parishes providing financial support for example the: fmaily wage earner is ill. The church have links to charites that can help

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3.3.8 Christian attitudes to homosexuality(Catholi


1) The Bible condemns any homosexual sexual activities, as it is a sin

2) It is the Church's tradition that sexual activity shoud be creative as well as unitive therefore, it is not possible for homosexuals to have pro-creative sex

3) The Church teaches that people cannot control their sexual orientation but, they can control their sexual activity. Therefore disciminating against,homosexuals is wrong

4) Teaches that everyone has human dignity because, they are made in the image of God

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3.3.8 Christian attitudes to homosexuality(Catholi


1) The Bible condemns any homosexual sexual activities, as it is a sin

2) It is the Church's tradition that sexual activity shoud be creative as well as unitive therefore, it is not possible for homosexuals to have pro-creative sex

3) The Church teaches that people cannot control their sexual orientation but, they can control their sexual activity. Therefore disciminating against,homosexuals is wrong

4) Teaches that everyone has human dignity because, they are made in the image of God

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93.3.8 Christian attitudes to homosexuality (2)

Evangelical (AGAINST)

1) They believe that the Bible is the direct word of God and as the Bible condemns homosexuality in both the New and Old Testament it must be wrong

2) They believe that the salvation of Christ can remove all sins including: homosexuality

3) They believe this because, all the Churces have taught it, even though some say homosexuality us acceptable

Liberal (SUPPORT)

1) They feel the major Christian belief in love and acceptance means, that homosexuals must be accepeted

2) They believe that Chistians should be open and honest and refusing rights to gay Christians. Encourages Christians to be dishonest and hyprocritical 

3) They believe the tecahings of the Bible need to be re-interpreted, in the light of modern knowledge

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3.3.9 Different methods of contraception

Natural methods of contraception

Involves reducing the chances of getting pregnant by plannig sex, around the most infertile times, during the womans monthly cycle

Requires: A couple to be in a stable and loving relationship as they reuqire, sufficent love for the partner to give up on sex at certain times

Artifical methods of contraception

Condoms: prevents the sperm from reaching the egg

Hormonal drugs: stop a woman from releasing an egg

Coil and morning after pill: prevents a fertilised egg from attaching itself to the uterus

Main differences:

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3.3.10 Different attitudes to contraception

Catholics are against artificial contraception because:

1) Pope Pius in 1930, condemned all forms of artificial contraception therefore, we shouldnt use it

2) Artificial contraception separates the unitive and the creative aspect of sex, which is not what God intended

3) The Church regards contraception as a major cause, of sexual promiscuity and broken families

Non-Catholic Christians aren't against artificial contraception because:

1) Christianity is about love and justice and contraception improves the womans health and raises the standard of living as families are smaer

2) God created sex for enjoyment, within marriage contraception alow the role of sex to be separated from making children and this is not against Gods will

3) There is nothing in the Bible, that forbid the use of contraceptions

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