Religious studies section 2 year 10 unit


The problem of global warming

What is Global warming????how does it happen?????

-Fossil fuels such as coal and oil burnt 

-Crabon dioxide is produced as a result and released into the atmosphere

-This creates a thick blanket of gasses surrounding the earth 

-These gasses trap to much heat from the sun and the earths tempreture rises 

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why is global warming a problem?

Leads to extreme weather conditions(increased rainfall)

leads to droughts(therfore famine and death)in hotter parts of the world

leads to melting of ice caps  dissapearing islands due to increased sea level

could lead to southern medcs like spain becoming desert like 

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Solutions to global warming

reduce carbon emmisions-cleaner alternative enrgy eg wind power

care share walk cycle/public transport redusces the burning of fossil fuels

Decrease air travel-planes are the highest carbon emmision form of travelling

Reduce reuse recycle so we dont have to manufacture more goods leading to less buring of fossil fuels 

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Global warming as a good thing

-higher tempretures -nicer weather

-means we can grow different crops eg melons and olives

-means less people will die of vulnerability from cold weather

-increased revenue from tourism if people have holidays in the uk 

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Global warming as a bad thing

-leads to extreme weather conditions causes pain and suffering(death)

-wipes out animals habitats and soecies 

-lead to loss of islands and coastal areas through flooding

lead to drought and famine (death)

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Different types of pollution

land-litter deforistation

air-acid rain global warming

water-oil and chemicals 

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Land pollution explained

litter-waste dropped on the ground can hurt wildlife and rubbish can lead to landfills 

deforistation-less trees means less oxygen released into the atmosphere and links to global warming

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Air pollution explained

Acid rain-harms soils water and life forms damages buildings and statues as gases are mixed with rain

Smog-a mixture of smoke and fog leading to breathing problems increased asthma ect 

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water pollution explained

oil spills cause wildlife problems

chemical spills damages water quality and killes wildlife as well as increased human disease 

sewage- lead to eutrophication sewage is broken down by bacteria which uses to much oxygen and fish die 

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what are the potential solution to the pollution??

Reduce reuse and recycle-creates less waste

Dont waste paper -save trees

use alternative clean sources of energy such as wind wave and solar power

Government action-pass laws regarding pollution increase spending on recycling programmes and ensure the schools deliver relevant material in the national curriculum 

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Does the government do enough for pollution

yes they have it under controll

passed laws relating to litterand waste managment

increased recyclying programmes funding eg red box scheme

environmental issues are covered through Re PHSE AND Geography curriculums 

targets for decreasing carbon emisions signe the kyto agreement wchich agreed on reducing carbon emmisions 

No they dont have it under controll

some people dont follow the law when they break these laws they arent punished effectively enough

not everyone recycles still to much waste

the government hasnt met its targets on carbon emmisions 

Things seem to be getting worse 

just because you learn it in school doesnt mean you follow the recomendations 

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scarcity of natural resources and solutions

Natural resources 

Non renewable 

versattile used for manufcacturing lots fo different products

fairly cheap

vast majority of power we use geneated from burning fossil fuels 

problems with non renewable 

they are dirty and create carbon emmisions when used

they are finite will run out eventually 

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Renewable sources scarcity of natural resources

benefits of renewable

never run out infinte 

clean they dont cause pollution


need carefully managing to be renewable such as fertile land trees and fish if abused can run out 

not versatile only used in certain areas eg wave power by the sea 

can be expensive to set up 

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solutions to the scarcity of natural resources

reduce reuse recycle

dont waste paper this saves trees

use laternative clean sources of energy such as wind wave and solar power

car share walk cycle public transport reduces burning of fossil fuels 

save on energy consumption eg turn lights off dont leave items on standby reducing fossil fuels used by power stations 

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Christian teachings on stewardship

Christians believed they will be judged at  their deaths  so they will try and live in the right way so they will be rewarded many believe as stewards we are called to take care of the earth 

in genesis it states humans are 'lords'of creation god gives dominion or lordship telling adam and eve to "fil the earth and subdue it"this means we can use the earth for our own benefit 

christian teachings are anthropocentric this means people centred and people matter more than the environment and animals  but if you take care of the world you can take care of humans 

Duteronomy tells us not to harm trees in warfare leviticus tells us to reamain fallow every 50th year psalms tells us to keep the world glorious as it is 

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How might christian teachings on stewardship affec

pray-about environmental issues prayer is thought to be very powerful

protest-about environmental issues get involved in marches or joining cafods climate change campaign 

practical changes to their lives car sharingg recycling reduce air travel 

pay-to join an organisation that protects the environment eg friends of the earth or operation noah

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Jewish teachings on stewardship

leviticus tells them to have a jubilee year every 50th year let the land remain fallow they used raised seed beds instead of planting in the ground in a jubilee year

in genesis humans are lords of creation and therfore god gives them dominion or lordship telling adam and eve to fill the earth and subdue it use the earth for our won benefiit

jewish teachings are anthropocentric means people centred people matter more than the environment but if we look after the world were lookking after humans 

hebrew scriptures express dueteronomy wchich tells us not to harm trees in warfare and psalms tells us to keep the worl glorious 

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Why are infertility treatments important ???

Having a child is a bsaic human right we are naturally programmed to carry species if we cant naturally why not get help?

Although adoption is an option many want a child thats theirs either ginetically or by the woman in the womb techniques allow couples to have their own child 

some are so deperate to have children infertililty can cause phsychological problems if we can help couples conceiieve it stops suffering

as many as 15%recently of all births in the uk are as a result of fertility treatments so it shows many have desire for the treatment and as such we should have them availiable 

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Different attitudes to fertility treatments

catholic attitude NO!!!!!

a child is a "not a right but a gift"ccc

some fertility treatments involve a thrid person this goes against the exclusive nature of marriage as "mechanical adultery"ccc

IVF AIH AID all rely on masturbation for collection of the sperm however this is a morally disordered action ccc and its wrong 

The church teaches any action seperating "unitive and procreative"ccc functions of sex are not moral fertility treatments focus on procreative element but theres no unity 

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Liberal christian attitude to fertility treatments

They say its god given technology why not use it ????

situation ethics helping a couple have a child is a very loving act greatest commandment

They say life doesnt begin at conception but later at gestation process so nothing wrong with freezing embryos  eg ivf 

Having children is an expectation of marriage to be life giving these techniques can help fufil that expectation 

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Orthodox jews accept IVF and AIH

god gave adam and eve the mitzvot to  "go forth and multiply"

jews believe family is the most important thing in life having children keeps the jewish faith 

technologys dont break the mitzvot they can be used

Techniques that involve doubts on who the mother could be are not accpeted eg egg donation surrogacy because jewishnesss comes from the mother

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Reform jews accept all fertility treatments

God gave adam and eve the mitzvot "go forth and multiply"

family is the most important thing as it keeps jewish faith

they say its the upbringing not the biology that makes someone jewish 

god givenn technology to have babies use it !!!!

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Do religious people have more of a right than non


its an expection of their marriage unlike non religious people

religious teachings might help them to be better parents emphasis on love eg act justly love tenderly

their children will carry on the faith 


all people are equal and entitled to a childr religious or not 

just because you are religious doesnt ean you are a better parent 

No one religious or non religious has the right to a child its a gift

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Why is transplant surgery important?

It improves peoples quality of life when sufferning from kidney failiure dialysis is a long time to spend 

saves lives approximately 8000people need new organs every year but nearlly 50%of them die waiting

number requiring a transplant rises by 8%each year

brings life out of death allows dead peope to donate to prolong someone elses life 

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Christian/catholic attitudes to organ transplants

st paul the body is transformed at the ressurection and therefore physical attributes arent necesary 

golden rule you would want an organ if that was you so we should encourage donars

greatest commandment giving organs in the churches eyes "meritious act"an act of mercy and compassion

however wont accept organ traffiking organs as it exploits the poor which the bible goes against exploiting the poor

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some christians say no

they may believe the whole body is needed for the ressurection of the body at the end of time 

transplanting organs between bodies is seen as playing god only god should deciede matters of lifa and death 

diverts money and resources away from other less expensive treatemnets which could save lots of lives not only one 

problems may arise as a doctor may not work as hard to save a person injured in an accident if there organs can be used in organ transplant surgery

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orthodox jews attitudes to organ transplants


Gods role to deciede matters of life and death so organ transplants break the mitvah 

organs can be used from organ trafiking as it exploits the poor which is banned in the torah 

transplants may affect the jewishness of a person 

sometimes organs such as the heart valves the pig isnt a kosher animal so orthordox jews would not use the tissues 

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Reform jews yes


preservation of life is the most importnat mitzvot according to liberal jews even use non kosher animal tissue in surgery

medical technology is a gift from god and can be used to save lives 

a way of following the mitzvot "love thy neighbour"

if relative donates one of their kidneys its not vital to existence and so istn exploiting anyone and is simply loving 

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