Religious Studies (Religion and Life Issues) WJEC Specification B (Is It Fair Unit)


Is it Fair?

Justice and Injustice

Aim: To explore the differences between justice and injustice using examples.


It is when you treat everybody in the same manner. Give everybody the same opportunities. Everybody has value.


Is when you treat somebody/group differently to someone else or another group in the sense of opportunities.

Opportunities are taken away or prevented for being the person you are when there is dishonesty and people are not valued.

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Is it Fair?

All religions try to achieve justice and fairness in the world.

  • Pressuring the Government 
  • Prayer
  • Fasting
  • Organise Campaigns
  • Hold Vigils
  • Collection of money
  • Organise special days 
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Is it Fair?

What is fair?

PEQ Practice

Aim: To understand the mark scheme for the RS GCSE Exam

A) 2 Marks

B) 4 Marks

C) 4 Marks

D) 6 Marks

E)  Marks

'All religious people do is pray' Do you agree or disagree with this statement? (8marks)

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Is it Fair?

Fighting Injustice

Religious Charity Work

Aim: What do religious charities do for people in need?

Religious Organisations Takle Poverty.

Identify what the charity does.

Mention which religion it belongs to.

Precis, What are the aims of the charity?

Acknowledge, How does the it work for justice(what sort of things do the do?)

Consider, How the work demonstrates the basic teachings of the religion.

Tell, Give specific example of a project they have done.

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Is it Fair?


Identify: They help get people out of poverty and back on their feet, also they provide vital aid and stop child trafficking.

Mention: They are Christian based.

Precis: There main aim is to bring justice to those in poverty.

Acknowledge: They help bring money to the poor by campaigning about how the government should give money to their own people, as it is a form of injustice for not using the money on their own people.

Consider: Jesus taught to 'Love thy Neighbour' which means that christians should look out for humanity and help others in suituations of injustice which is demonstrated through the campaigning for justice.

Tell: Syria's Future is a project that they have done due to syria being in a 3 year civil war. They have provided citizens with, food, shelter, clothing, stoves and hygiene equipment. Also they are going to hold a lighting of candles for Syria beacause of the 3 year anniversary of the conflict.

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Is it Fair?

Islamic Relief

Identify: They help to support the poorest people in the world.The charity work with all religions and races.

Mention: They are Muslim based.

Precis: There main aims are, immediate relief, to create a equal world and to show the teaching of the Qur'an.

Acknowledge: They provide education for those who cannot afford it, this allows everyone to have equal opportunities.

Consider: The religion teaches Ummah (brotherhood) this charity demonstrates this by working with all religions and races.

Tell: Islamic Relief have done a water project where they had given drinking water to Gloucester in 2007 after there was a flood.

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Is it Fair?

Islam and discrimination

Aim: To evaluate the Islamic view on Racism, to be able to present opposing views on discrimination.

Reasons for Prejudice

  • Not knowing things
  • History(9/11)
  • News
  • Differences
  • Stereotyping
  • Ignorance
  • Defensive judging
  • Being scared
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Is it Fair?

Islam views on discirmination

The Qur'an teaches that all races are equal in the eyes of God. God created the whole of humanity from one pair of humans, therefore all races are related and non can be regarded as superior.

There are many sayings in the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad promoting racial harmony.

In his final sermon, Muhammad said that every Muslim is a brother to everyother Muslim, and so there should be no racism among Muslims.

The Prophet Muhammad's first prayer caller was a black muslim which teaches there should be no racism.

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Is it Fair?

Christianity and Prejudice

Aim: What are the Christian teachings on prejudice and discrimination?

Christians should try and promote social harmony as it is in the Bible and is it a part of the Church teachings. The church also is dedicated to fighting racism in all of its forms.

Jesus treated people of different races equally.

Jesus taught that everybody should 'Love thy neighbour'.

A black african called Simon from Cyrene, helped Jesus carry the cross.

The story of 'The Good Samaritan'.

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Is it Fair?

The Role of Woman

Aim: To explain the various religious attitudes to the role of women.

Traditional Attitude(Separate and different roles)

Men: Provide for the family,  be church leaders and lead the family into religion.

Women: Run a Christian home and bring up children.


Genesis: Adam was created first.

Apostles: Where all men.

St Paul taught that women should not talk in church.

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Is it Fair?

Modern Attitude(Men and Women are equal)

Women: Can be priests


Genesis: Male and famale was created equally at the same time.

Jesus treated women as equal.

St Paul taught in Christ there is no male nor female.

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Is it Fair?

Roman Catholic(Men and Women are equal)

Women: However women cannot be priests.


Genesis: Male and female created equal at the same time.

Apostles: Where all men.

Taught through the church.

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Is it Fair?

Islamic Attitude(Men and Women are equal but have different roles)

Women should ensure a marriage works ( so everyone is cared for)


Both women and men where created bt God and are of equal spiritual worth. But it would be foolish to say that men and women are exactly the same.

Men are physically stronger

Women can become pregant 

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Is it Fair?

Mordern Muslim Attitude( Men and Women should have equal roles)

Women: Being a mother should come first 


The Qur'an teaches that men and women are equal in religion and education.

The Prophet Muhammad encouraged both men and women to worship at the Mosque.

The Prophet Muhammad's wife Khadijah was a business woman and was the Prophet Muhammad's boss.

There was women religious leaders in the early stages of the religion.

The wife Aisha spread the word for the Prophet Muhammad.

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Is it Fair?

'Women should have the same rights as men in religion' Do you agree or disagree with the statement? (8marks)

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Is it Fair?

Christianity and Wealth

Aim:To understand what the Bible says about fighting injustice.

Why help the poor?

  • Christian Leaders, helping the poor themselves could influence other people to help as well.
  • Church Teachings, Catholics closely included teaching on the struggle for justice as the bible doesn't explain everything.
  • Individual Conscience, people could have been in the same suituation and could infludence them to help others.
  • Stewardship, Looking after the poor as a favor to God.
  • The Bible, In the new testiment Jesus provides for the poor and praises those who do the same and condemns those who don't. Also the bible has many stories of others caring for the poor.
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Is it Fair?

Timothy 6:6-10

Talks about how we come into the world with nothing and leave with nothing. Also it talks about how the love of money is the root of all evil. It talks about how some people who really want to become rich travel away from the teaching of God, which brings griefs. Too much love of money had taken people away from their faith in God.

Luke 21:1-4

Talks about if you have more money and give less comparied to when you have less money and give more. Story of the widow with the two coins. The poor person gave two coins (all they had). The rich person gave two coins(had lots of money). The story is about proportion.

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Is it Fair?

Matthew 19: 16-22

Talks about being good is to obey the commandments.

Do not murder

Do not steal

Do not give false testimony

Honour your mother and father

Love your neighbour as yourself

Also sell all your possesions and give them to the poor. Only then will you have treasure in heaven.

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Is it Fair?

Islam and Wealth

Aim: What is the muslim attitude to money?

The five pillars of Islam

  • Muslims are expected to be kind and generous.
  • Muslims have a duty to care for the poor.

There are two main ways Muslims give.

Zakah: All Muslims must give a percentage of their savings to the poor if they are wealthy. Zakah means 'growth' and 'purification'. Zakah is a form of Ibadah (worship). Zakah cleanses the giver from selfishness (purification'). Wealth belongs to Allah, Zakah is a test for Muslims as they believe that if you are a follower of the faith you will give Allahs money to others and if not you are stealing from Allah. Zakah promotes justice and equality as money is being used for the poor.

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Is it Fair?

Sadaqah: This is any good deed done for the sake of Allah. It can be practised at any time and in any place.

Sadaqah is giving

Time: Help at old people homes. Volunteering. Using your time for others.

Prayer: Praying to Allah. Praying at a mosque. Praying for a friend. 

Talents: Helping a old person.Helping inexperienced person to learn to use tecnology. Using your skills to help others.

Money: Give money to charity.  Give money to a poor person. Give food to the food banks. Giving money to those in need.

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Is it Fair?

The Media 

Aim: How does the media influence attitudes?

Newspapers carry a range of stories. This is where many people go to find out the truth. But some people worry about who has written the story as it could have affected the content of the newspaper. This could include political bias or xenophobia (i.e. hared for foreigners). Not only that but you could find different versions of the same story across different companys. The media can be used to educate people about the different faiths which can be through serious documentaries and through soaps and films. However, misrepresentations can give a religion a 'bad name'.

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Is it Fair?

Explain how having a religious faith might influence how you treat others. (4marks)

Explain from two religious traditions the teachings on prejudice and discirmination. (6marks)

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