Religious concepts and religious life CHRISTIANITY PRINTED

  • Created by: emmalum
  • Created on: 11-03-19 14:59

Is God male?

Sally McFauge- An ecofeminist born in the 40s

God is three things:

  • A mother- agape (selfless) love
  • A lover- Eros (Desirable) love
  • A friend- Phila (Companionship) love
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Can God suffer?

  • God is immutable (unchanging) and impassible (doesn't experience pain/pleasure).
  • God cannot change because then he would not be perfect.
  • God is fully divine and fully human (hypostatic union)meaning that the human part of him suffered but the Divine part remained unchanged.

Jurgen Moltmann

He rejected these ideas in his book 'the crucified God' and said that God suffers with humanity.

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The trinity and atonement

The trinity

God the father, God the son, God the Holy Spirit

Filoque controversey- There was a split in christianity, orthodox christians believed that God was more important than Jesus and the Holy Spirit whereas unorthodox christians believed that they are all equal.


It is making up for something like Jesus died on the cross to atone for our sins.

Anselm states that God needed to come down himself as Jesus to atone for our sins (Penal subsitution)

Aulen states that we use Jesus' death as a sacrifice or scapegoat

Augustine states that Jesus' death was an example of God's love for us

"Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world"

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Martin Luther

In Luther's time you could pay the Catholic church and get time off purgatory which he believed wasn't true.

He believed in two types of people: The elect-people pre-chosen by God to get into heaven

The retrobates- People who were not chosen

However, he said that that we should be able to get into heaven by faith alone (sola fide)

He was kicked out of the church for his beliefs which caused him to write his 95 thesis- a list of things that are wrong with the Catholic church. The council of Trent later began to accept his ideas but wasnt allowed back, making a new chuch of Lutherans emerge.

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key moral principles

Love thy neighbour-"Love one another as I have loved you"

God's love- "his steadfast love endures forever"

Truth- "You shall not give false testimony"

Conscience- "for we are sure that we have clear conscience"

Forgiveness- "forgive seventy times seven"

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