Regression,correlation and hypothesis testing


Exponential Models

Liner relationship: when Y = log y , X = log x

y= axn then log y = log a + nlogx

Expoential realtionship: Y = log y , X = x

y=kbx then log y = log k + xlog b 

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Measuring Correlation

PMCC: measures the strength and types of linear correlation between 2 variables 

Takes values between -1 and 1

close to -1 = perfect negative correlation 

close to 1 = perfect positive correlation 

close to 0 = no correlation 

How calculate PMCC on calculator: 

MENU - 6 - 2 - input data - press =  - OPTN - 4 - read r value 

r value = PMCC 

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Hypothesis testing for zero correlation

Use One-tailed to test whether or not p > 0 or p < 0 

H0: p = 0 , H1: p > 0 

H0: p = 0 , H1: p < 0 

Use Two-tailed to test whether p no equal to 0

H0: p = 0 , H1: p = 0 

r = PMCC sample 

p = PMCC whole population 

need to have sample size + significant level to find the critical region 

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