REGENERATION - critical analysis, AO3 and AO5


John Mullan

'Where a reader cannot sympathise, the novelist seems to have failed' 

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John Mullan

'Regeneration deliberately makes us uncertain of our sympathies' 

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John Mullan

'The shifts of viewpoint seem calculated as much as to undermine our sympathies as to invite them'

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John Mullan

'Prior's fate becomes a special concern of the novel because it is uncertain' 

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John Mullan

'The novel largely imitates the appalled soliders' habits of repression' 

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John Mullan

About Burns and the animals - 'We are left to explain as best we can his strange death-ritual and the satisfaction that it gives him' 

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John Mullan

About Rivers and his comment on, 'poor all of them' - 'Ignorant reflex of a decent man...just the response that we, as readers, might now easily feel. Barker's achievement is to make us sense t he inadequacy of this sympathy' 

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