Reducing the impacts of earthquakes

  • Created by: TheOnlyL
  • Created on: 11-06-13 18:27


  • It's currently impossible to predict when an earthquake will happen. If you could, it would give poeple time to evacuate - this would reduce the number of injuries and deaths.
  • There can be clues that an earthquakes is about to happen though. For example, lots of small tremors, cracks appearing in rocks, and strange animal behaviour.
  • It's possible to predict where future earthquakes may happen using data from past earthquakes, e.g. mapping to predict where earthquakes have happened shows which places are likely to be affected again - these places can prepare themsleves for the impacts for an earthquake.
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Building techniques

  • Buildings can be designed to withstand earthquakes, e.g. by using materials like reinforced concrete or building special foundations that absorb an earthquake's energy. 
  • Constructing earthquake-proof building reduces the number of buildings destroyed by an earthquake, so fewer people will be killed, injured, made homeless and made unemployed.
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  • Future developments, e.g. new shopping centers, can be planned to avoid the areas most at rick from earthquakes. This reduces the number of buildings destroyed by an earthquake.
  • Firebreakers can be made to reduce the spread of fires (a secondary iimpact).
  • Emergency services can train and prepare for disasters, e.g. by practising rescuing poeple from collapsed buildings and by stockpiling medicine. This reduces the number of poeple killed.
  • Governments can plan evacuation routes to get people out of dangerous areas quickly and safely after an earthquake. This reduces the number of poeple killed or injured by things like fires.
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  • Governments and other organisations can educate people about what to do if there's an earthquake (e.g. stand in a door) and how to evacuate. This reduces deaths.
  • People can be told how to make a survival kit containing things like food, water, a torch, a radio and batteries. The kits reduce the chances of people dying if they're struck in an area.
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  • LEDCs that have been affected by an earthquake can recieve aid from governments or organisations - it can be things like food, water, money or people (e.g. doctors or rescuers).
  • Aid helps to reduce the impacts, e.g. money aid is used to rebuild homes, reducing homelessness.
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