


Hall, Fong & Sansone 2015 - a more future-oriented time perpective was associated with healthier behavioural tendencies

Orbell & Haggar 2006 - Low-CFC were more persuaded when positive consequences were short-term and negative consequences were long-term

Sirois et al 2003 - procrastination related to poorer health, treatment delay, perceived stress, and fewer weliness behaviours

Sirois & Pychyl 2013 - As a form of self-regulation failure, procrastination has a great deal to do with short-term mood repair and emotion regulation

Hall, Fong & Cheng 2012 - newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. Future-oriented time perspective was prospectively associated with superior uptake of two weight management behaviours (reduction of fatty food consumption, and performance of regular physical activity)

Sirois 2015 - personality factors and future self-rated health in the context of chronic illness

Guthrie et al 2014 - time perspective and exercise, obesity and smoking 

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