RE - Short Course - Animal Rights

Animal Rights

  • Created by: Yasmin
  • Created on: 12-05-12 16:59

Defining key terms: Animal Rights

Sanctity of Life: all life is sacred because it is God-given

Dominion: power over animals.

Sterwardship: humans have the sacred duty to care for the world as God created it.

Factory Farming: raising animals intensively for higher profit.

Free Range: raising animals so they roam freely and live a more natural life.

GM: animals that have been genetically altered in a lab.

Cloning: creating an oraganism that is the exact genetic copy of another.

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Fur and Ivory Trade

Fur Trade:

  • over 55 million animals are killed for fur
  • fur farms keep animals in small cages to save fur from damage, preventing animals from living natural life.made illegal in england and wales in 2000.
  • no endangered species are sued
  • renewable resouce

Ivory Trade:

  • ivory from elephant tusks
  • poachers kill elephants for sale in NIgeria
  • only dead animals or killed becaese of overpopulation
  • poaching funds war
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The use of animals: Religious Teachings

- Christianity:

  • "righteous man cares for the needs of his animals"  dominion BUT stewards

- Islam:

  • "All false excuses leading to damage should be repudiated" remain complacent to the killings of animals for fur etc.

- Judaism:

  • “The righteous person regards the life of his beast” considers they have feelings and a right to a decent life.

-  Buddhism:

  • “thou shall not kill” the First Precept is a belief in ‘ahisma’ (no causing harm to self or others)
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Animal experimentation - Religious Teachings

- Christianity:

  • “five sparrows sold for two pennies...not one of them is forgotten by God” birds and animals all valuable to God

- Islam:

  • man who kills even a sparrow ..., without its deserving it” will be punished àcures but minimal sufferiing (sentient beings)

- Hinduism:

  • “as a man casts off his clothes, so does the embodied soul" part of the great wheel of samsara (cycle of life, death and rebirth)

- Sikhism:

  • “Lord is everywhere and in everyone” Guru Granth Sahib: present in all beings
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Eating meat - Religious Teachings

- Islam:

  • “eat from that upon which God's name has been pronounced” Halal,  "Carrion, blood and flesh of swine” forbidden to eat (Haram)

- Christianity:

  • God told Noah that “Everything that lives and moves will be food for you” he can eat meat "But must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it”.

- Hinduism:

  • “Thou shall not kill” Cows are sacred and are allowed to roam free in India

- Sikhism:

  • “All food is pure; for God has provided it for our sustenance” Guru Granth Sahib teaches that all food is pure as God provided it.
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Importance of animals - Religious Teachings

- Islam:

  • "you may ride on some... may derive food from"  provide us with food and transport. Therefore need to be respected.

- Hinduism:

  • "Among the animals the cow was given the most sacred place" à cows give life by providing milk, fuel for heating and transport


  • "righteous man cares for the needs of his animals" dominion BUT stewards

- Buddhism:

  • “All living things fear being beaten with clubs” scriptures forbid hunting animals and consider it as abuse.
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Defining key terms: War and Peace

Sanctity of Life: all life is sacred as it is God-given and should not be destroyed

WMD: biological, chemical and nuclear weapons that kill large numbers of people

War: when countries cannot settle their differences by peaceful means

Peace: absence o conflict/ fellings of wellbeing

Just War:  last resort to prevent real evil

Holy War: religious aims/goals authorised by God or religous leader.

Jihad: struggle against non believers

Karma: somethings bad happening on account of something else

Pacifism: violence against another human being is wrong. War is never justified.

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A Just War: Religous Teachings



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Jean-Jacques Morin


Thanks for this, really helpful as i seem to have 'misplaced' my notes...

Miss KHP


Useful for most exam boards that cover several religions.

What I really like about this resource is that it contains quotes and so you don't have to waste time finding them yourself! If you can add the relevant quotes to your long-answer questions, you will do better!

An issue that is often seen in most exam boards (but check your specification first).

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