RE - Philosophy - Ontological


  • Created by: alex
  • Created on: 03-04-12 18:46

Paragraph 1 - Intro

  • Criticised by Philosopher such as Hume, Kant and Aquinas
  • However, support from Plantinga and Malcolm
  • Resulted in Ontoloigcal Argument standing test of time and still widley acknowledged and powerful argument for existence of God
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Paragraph 2 - Intro

  • Onto Argument is based upon human resoning
  • Comes from greek word 'ontos' - 'concerned with being'
  • Differs from Teleo/cosmo, as they are synthestic, inductive and a posteriori (uses empirical evidence)
  • Onto argument is
    • Deductive - reaches conslusions by following premises in logical order (deduces conclusion from premises)
    • A priori - based on the defintion of the word, in case on onto argument, defintion of the word God
    • Analytic - something is tru by defintion alone, needs no further explanation. Also known as tautology. e.g. a circle is round - not needed, as a circle is round by the defintion of the word circle. Apply to God, God is what he is by the defintion of the word God


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Paragraph 3 - Intro

  • Argument arose during Christian Monastic period - Church forefront of society
  • French monk Anselm prayed for a short argument to prove the exsitence of God - known as the Proslogian
  • Anselm had always held faith in God, but found it a logical necessity to prove Gods existence.
  • Anselm used method of reductio ad absurdum - reduce something to absurdity
  • Anselm reduced the idea that God did not exist to absurdity
  • As Gods non-existence was absurd, then God must exist
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