RE theme C- Human rights

  • Created by: amy_clara
  • Created on: 02-04-18 17:07


"The equality of man and woman rests essentially on the dignity of man and the rights that flow from it"

-Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)

  • People can only be free if others are respected. For example, humans have the right to freedom of speech. However, the right must not abuse the rights of others, such as the right to religeon, and if what one is saying is discriminatory, then it is abusing the dignity of others.
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Wealth and greed

"While an immense mass of people live without the absolute necessities of life, some, even in less developed countries, still squanter wealth"

- Gaudium et Spec

  • Even though many people live without the essentials, such as food and water, some people dream of wealth and money, even though they could be helping charities or other people.
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Human rights

"Man stands above all things and his right's and duties are universal and invoable"

  • Humans all have human rights and free will given by God and no human right can be taken away by anyone anywhere
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Equality and sexuality (quote against)

" Homosexual acts are contrary to the natural law"


  • While the Catholic Church do not deny any of their rights as human beings, they do not agree that they should be able to have sexual realitionships as they cannot procreate, which is a vital part of a sexual relationship (being open to the possibillity of concieving)
  • This is because of the quote from Genesis: 
  • "Be fruitful and multiply"
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Equality in the bible

"There is no longer Greek and Jew, circumsised and uncircumsised, slave and free; But Christ is all in all!"

- Colossians 3:11

  • Everyone is equal in Christianity, not matter their background, so one should not be selfish in their deeds or actions.
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