RE Studies

  • Created by: Akchith18
  • Created on: 03-05-18 07:15

Christianity Attitudes to Crime and Punishment

Christian Attitudes to Crime and Punishment

Christianity teaches that the laws of a country should be followed unless they are unjust. The Ten Commandments are reflected in the laws of the UK. St Paul taught that the state should be obeyed because God has given permission for it to exist. For Christians, law breaking means they are committing sins as well as crimes. This could affect them in the afterlife because they believe they will be judged by God. In Roman Catholic Christianity there is also the belief in purgatory. This is a place of suffering and torture where souls must be cleansed before they can enter heaven.

Christian Teachings:

·         ‘Love thy neighbour’ (Jesus) – Christian love (agape) should be shown to all people

·         Pray for those who persecute you (Jesus)

·         The Ten Commandments – a law code that guides behaviour

·         Forgive your brother 70 x 7 times (Jesus) – meaning that a Christian should always be prepared to forgive those who wrong them

·         The Lord’s Prayer – recognises that everyone sins and needs forgiveness

Christians accept that offenders must be punished. Punishments should be fair and just and offenders should be treated humanely.

The Quaker Elizabeth Fry devoted her life to prison reform. Amnesty International, which was founded on Christian principles, works worldwide to campaign for the protection of prisoner’s human rights.

The story of Adam and Eve (The Fall) shows that everyone sins. Christians believe that people should have the opportunity to repent for their wrongdoing and made amends.

 It’s important to follow the example of Jesus and be prepared to forgive others. Most Christians do not agree with the death penalty. Some, however, follow the Old Testament teaching of an eye for an eye.

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