RE - Evil and Suffering (Beliefs)



What is evil the cause of?

Evil is the cause of human suffering.

What types of evil are there?

There's moral evil and natural evil. 

What is moral and natural evil?

Moral evil is caused by the acts of humans.

Natural evil is caused by the acts of nature.

Why do religions differ in what they teach about the origins of evil?

• Most religions teach that moral evil should be opposed.

• Some believe it is part of God's creation (bringing something into this world) that humans may not understand.

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The problem of evil and suffering

What is suffering?

Suffering is the experience of pain or distress.

What do people say about suffering?

Some say: God allows humans to make their own decisions and that suffering is caused by the choice people make. 

Others say: Suffering is a punishment by God.

What questions are raised by evil and suffering?

For example: If God really did exist, why is he making me suffer? Or 'Is suffering the price humans will have to pay for free will (the idea that humans are free to make their own moral choices.)

What problems are raised by evil and suffering?

People lose faith and hope and could start disbelieving.

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Examples of moral and natural evil:

Moral evil:

  • War
  • ****
  • Theft
  • Murder

Natural evil:

  • Famine (a lack/shortage offood for example.)
  • Natural disasters (rainfall, earthquakes, tsunamis etc.)
  • Disease
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All things God is:

Omniscient - all-knowing

Omnipotent - all-powerful

Omni-benevolent - all-good

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Why do some people not believe in God?

Does God exist?

Some people so not believe in God because they see evil and suffering all around them. As evil and suffering are present everywhere, either God is not omni-benevolent, omnisient and omnipotent or he does not exist.

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What does the Bible say about evil and suffering?

  • Genesis says that God created a perfect world.
  • The fall: Adam and Eve (the first man and woman to ever walk on Earth) used their free will (the idea that humans are free to make their own choices) in the Garden of Eden.
  • Christians believe God sent Jesus to overcome the evil in the world and die for the sins of humanity on the cross.

Christian explainations:

1. Free willGod gave people free will.

2. Test from GodSome Christians accept that evil and suffering may be a test from God. Believers are allowed to go through hard times to see how they react some become stronger for example.

3. God's planSuffering happens for a reason: evil and suffering are part of God's plan. People should trust God because he knows everything.

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