Race Relations Act 1976


What is it about?

The race relations act general duty is on a specified public authorities to promote race equality. 

This act makes it unlawful to treat a person less favourably than another on racial grounds.

These cover grounds of race, colour, nationality and national or ethic origin. 

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Strengths of the Act

  • There is an emphasis on promoting good relationships between different racial groups rather than preventing racial discrimination. 
  • It is recognised that all public bodies like the NHS and others must make all sercices offered and accessible to people of different types of racial issue.
  • Both direct and indirect discrimination relating to race must be eliminated. 
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Weaknesses of the Act

  • Difficult to know what happens on a daily basis in a care setting unless poor practice is monitored. The authorities are unlikely to hear about it unless someone mentions it.
  • Laws can be passed but its difficult to make people follow the actions. Some attitudes have been passed down family members and they are then likely to be carried into the workplace.
  • Forms of redress require individuals to know their rights and also to know how they are maintained. Meaning if someone wants to make a complaint they could fins themselves in a worse situation. 
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