

Proxmity influence on obedience rate.

Proxomity- reduces the level of obdeince, more so in some cases than others.

Promixity: ( closeness in the same room )

- Reduces the obedience rate from 65% to 40%. As teacher and learner are in the same room.Milgram's study- the ppts ( teacher&& learner) were in adjoining, were the teacher could only hear the learner but not see him.

Touch proximity:

-Reduces obedience rate from 40% to further 30%, in this condition the ppt had to force the learner's hands on the electroshock, when they refused to answer a question. May have reduced because they felt they were responsible for it

Remote instruction condition: (3rd proximity variation)

- The obedience rate fell further to 20.5% as the expirementer left the room and telephoned the instructions to the teacher. In this condition time proximity was reduced. Ppts also pretend to give shocks or gave weaker ones.

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Location & Uniform influences on obedience

Location:- Reduces to some extent, however still high.

  • Milgram changes location of obedience study.
  • Were it was originally conducted in Yale university and then conducted in a run-down building.
  • This meant that the expirementer had less authority.
  • So obedience rate: fell 47.5% (High obedience rate, but less than the original 60%)

Uniform:-  Reduced siginifcally.

- So, in original study, expirementer wore grey lab coat- which siginifed he had authority, this was his uniform.

Variation carreid out- were experimenter got a inconvienient call at the start. & a conferdate- (ordinary member of the public) took over as the role of the exipermenter, in oridinary clothes.

Results- obedience rate fell dramatically to 20%- lowest rate.

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