Pulmonary Tuberculosis/Lung disease

A description of the subjects


Pulmonary Tuberculosis

  • Caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis or Mycobacterium Bovis
  • Symptoms are persistant cough, tiredness, loss of appetite which leads to weight loss and as the disease develops, possible coughing up blood may occur
  • You can transmit Pulmonary TB by being in contact with someone that are infected, are present in countries that have large accounts of TB, have reduced immunity (after transplant surgeries due to immunosupressents)
  • The infection starts due to the bacterium multiplying in the upper region of the lungs, where there is high oxygen levels
  • White blood cells accumalate to fight the infection and ingest the bacterium, causing inflimmation (Primary infection)
  • The bacteria can then return (post-primary infection), this is a lot harder to control as the bacterium destroy tissues in the lungs, this results in cavaties and scarring
  • Sufferer can then cough up blood due to the lung tissue being broken down
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Fibrosis, asthma and emphysema

Pulmonary Fibrosis

  • Symptoms: Chronic dry cough because the fibres creates obstructions in airways. Pain and discomfort in the chest because of the pressure in the chest. Weakness and fatigue, because of the reduced intake of oxygen


  • An allergic reaction
  • Causes inflamation of airway lining
  • Secretion of mucas increases
  • Fluid leaves capillaries and enters airways
  • Muscles around bronchiols contract, constricting airways

Emphysema causes shortness of breath, chronic cough and bluish skin colouration

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