Psychology - Memory Key Terms

Key terms for:

models of memory

memory in everyday life

  • Created by: Shauni
  • Created on: 18-05-12 16:17


the means by which information is represented in memory

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the retention of information in memory

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the amount of information that can be stored at a given time

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Sensory Memory:

a short-duration store holding the impressions of sensory information

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Short-term Memory:

a temporary store holding small amounts of information for brief periods

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the length of time information remains in storage

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Long-term Memory:

a permanent store holding limitless amounts of information for long periods

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grouping information in short-term memory into larger units to increase capacity

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Central Executive:

oversees and coordinates the components of working memory

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Phonological Loop:

deals with auditory information

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Visuo-spatial Sketchpad:

deals with visual and spatial items

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Phonological Store:

stores words heard

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Atriculatory Process:

allows sub-vocal repetition of information in the phonological loop

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Primary Acoustic Store:

stores recently heard speech or sound

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Visual Cache:

stores visual material about form and colour

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Inner Scribe:

stores information about spatial relationships

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Episodic Buffer:

stores integrated information from the central executive, phonological loop, visuo-spatial sketchpad and long-term memory

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Misleading Information:

information that suggests a desired answer

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the extraction of stored information

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Eyewitness Testimony:

evidence provided by witnesses to a crime

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an unpleasant state of emotional arousal

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Cognitive Interview:

a procedure for police interviews of witnesses to facilitate accurate, detailed recall

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Enhanced Cognitive Interview:

an advanced method of interviewing witnesses to overcome problems caused by innapropriate sequencing of questions

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Retrieval Cues:

prompts that trigger recall

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various techniques facilitating recall

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Active Processing:

subjecting information to deep and meaningful analysis

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