
Unit Reviews that identify and describe a certain issue. Giving negative and positive aspects of the studies.


The Patient-Practitioner Relationship

Issue: Usefulness

Maguire and Rutter 1976

Positive: Improve the training of future medical students, which will improve the doctors diagnosing skills and will save money.

Negative: Training for doctors is already lengthy and adding video and feedback will make training longer, more expensive.

Bourhis, Roth and McQueen 1989

Positive: Allows doctors to realise the need for Everyday Language, this will increase patient satisfaction and understanding and increase adherence.

Negative: This could de-motivate doctors and they may feel criticised. If we devalue, remove the status from the doctors then patients may be less willing to follow their advice.

Savage and Armstrong 1990

Positive: Training, useful to know the style that patients prefer.

Negative: Only asked the opinions of patients in one surgery (london) so other people may not agree, don't waste money on training.

Safer et al 1979

Positive: This highlights the issue of the delay and reasons why the doctors are more aware. Perhaps the government could tackle reasons why people delay and improve things.

Negative: It is not useful anywhere other than the 4 US Clinics. What about other countries?

Issue: Methodology

Maguire and Rutter 1976

Positive: It is in a natural setting- doctors surgery which increases ecological validity. Easy to refer to data and it is objective- results are observed.

Negative: Demand characteristics can be influenced by the camera, this reduces validity. It cannot be repeated so it reduces reliability.

Bourhis, Roth and McQueen 1989

Positive: It is holistic- both qualititative and quantitative data. Likert scales show a range of opinions and are not bias. Reduces the cost to the NHS.

Negative: Demand characteristics, deceit and social desirability. Qualititative data is hard to analyse and quantitative is reductionist.

Savage and Armstrong 1990

Positive: High validity as it used 2 methods and is natural. No demand characteristics in observation. Validity as if is subjective and objective dara.

Negative: Demand characteristics so it is less valid. Low control for it is a field experiment and less reliability and socially desirable.

Safer et al 1979

Positive: In an interview you could collect both qualititative and quantitative data. More in depth data.

Negative: There might be demand characteristics. Socail desirability- deceit. Alot of time and costly to the NHS.

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