


The behavioural approach - key terms

Classical conditioning - learning through association

Unconditioned stimulus - a stimulus that automatically triggers an unconditioned response (e.g, food automically triggers saliva in the dog)

Conditioned stimulus - a previously neutral stimulus that after repeatedly being associated with a unconditioned stimulus comes to produce a conditioned response (e.g, the bell that once associated with food can prove saliva in the dog)

Unconditioned response - a natural response to an unconditioned stimulus (e.g, saliva in response to food)

Conditioned response - a learned response to a previously neutral stimulus (e.g, saliva in response to the bell)

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Operant conditioning - learning through the use of rewards and punishments

Positive reinforcement - something that increases the chance of a behaviour happening again

 Negative reinforcement - the removal of a negative stimulus increases the chance of a behaviour happening again

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